VPI Tailgate


Helluva Engineer
Dec 6, 2006
Well here we are 72 hours before the game and no thread exists for the debauchery before the game (and after), otherwise known as the StingTalk tailgate

This place has really gone downhill.:eek3:
We are all meeting at your rolling palace. What time will you be arriving?
We are all meeting at your rolling palace. What time will you be arriving?


I won't get out of work until late, so I can't organize anything myself. IIRC, for the last VT-GT game, a bunch of us just had beers across the street from Bobby Dodd...
Man I was excited to come but had something come up and gonna be in Florida, y'all drink one for me and eat a dirty dog as well!
Looks like I maybe staying in town, so wanna come meet yall delinquents! I might be bringing a bud of mine who is here from overseas and never been to a football game, told him there very exciting!
Same place as Flunkout. We taught Flunkout everything he knows about tailgating:turbonoes:
Looks like I maybe staying in town, so wanna come meet yall delinquents! I might be bringing a bud of mine who is here from overseas and never been to a football game, told him there very exciting!

Hope you warned him about the drunken stooper everybody will be in.