Richt to Miami?

I just got off a flight to Chicago, a guy who was across the aisle from me had just gotten off a flight coming back from Tampa (same state as Miami and he saw a guy wearing a Georgia hat who he was pretty sure was Mark Richt wearing a fat suit.
If Richt goes to Miami one of them will have to compromise in order to win, and we all know Miami doesn't win with class.
Miami with Rev. Richt is too funny, I hope it happens
Why would he coach anywhere? He's more likely to build homes in Haiti for Jesus.
God I hope not. He's owned us for 25 years at 2 different programs. Don't need a third.
There might be a strategy in place to keep Richt at UGa in some capacity in an effort to keep Eason from flipping between now and January.
If we start seeing pics tweeted out of tent revivals in South Beach, we'll know CMR is headed to Miami.
I agree with SolJacket; Richt reportedly really likes the College town atmosphere in Athens. Charlottesville, VA has a similar vibe. And UVa recruits well. They just haven't had great coaching as of late.
USCe would be crazy not to call him. He would get the recruits from Georgia to come play for him.
Richt will never, ever go to USuCk (South Carolina). That place is one of the worst shitholes in college football.
if he goes to Miami he will never have to go to another tanning bed ever again
plus, there will be plenty of young boys that he can sneak up on and wake up

i believe this rumor