You are in charge of the NCAA

Remember that time you called me out in the watch thread like this until I sent a picture in mid-air of the Rolex I was currently wearing? This will end like that did.

Yeah, you went to this thread I suppose.

Lots of examples in there.

And I also remember when you tried to tell us all that you can't use bluetooth headphones on an airplane. That was last month.

And I remember when you were having a safe room built in your mansion.

And I remember when you wanted to endow a scholarship in your name. That was last week I believe.

You are trying too öööö hard. If you want us to believe you so much you should try coming out to a tailgate. Otherwise you are just another bullshitter like Beestorm and Diseqc, etc.

Also, why not address the point of my post which was that there's no way you flunked half of a class of athletes.
Class had a bunch of football players, but as a percentage of the overall class was fairly small. And I absolutely did it - I had to. If I passed those students and someone reviewed the grades, I would have been fired and GT probably would have been on probation.

And what is the process for reporting student athlete issues to the coaching staffs? Or more likely, what did you tell the GTAA handlers when they inquired about the students grades. They obviously monitor progress in real time.
Yeah, you went to this thread I suppose.

Lots of examples in there.

And I also remember when you tried to tell us all that you can't use bluetooth headphones on an airplane. That was last month.

And I remember when you were having a safe room built in your mansion.

And I remember when you wanted to endow a scholarship in your name. That was last week I believe.

You are trying too öööö hard. If you want us to believe you so much you should try coming out to a tailgate. Otherwise you are just another bullshitter like Beestorm and Diseqc, etc.

Also, why not address the point of my post which was that there's no way you flunked half of a class of athletes.

Seen Diseqc at a tailgate.
At the time, GTAA sent all faculty pink sheets of paper for every athlete asking you to fill out how the Athlete is doing. Most people throw it away, but I actually filled it out and sent it back. And called. And emailed.

So, are you saying that a significant portion of our football players are only passing classes because the profs are giving them passing grades without merit? Because it sorta seems like that to me.

Either that or you aren't a very good instructor as compared to the others. :biggrin:

So perhaps there is a conspiracy at work at our beloved GT where some profs are passing these young men without them actually doing the work?
So, are you saying that a significant portion of our football players are only passing classes because the profs are giving them passing grades without merit? Because it sorta seems like that to me.

They very well may be. It seems to me that the GTAA advisors looked for faculty that either had enough Word that you could be tutored through the class or where the professor rarely gave failing grades, then pushed the players through those classes.

As for this thread, my blood pressure got a little too high. I really don't give two shits what you think.
As for this thread, my blood pressure got a little too high. I really don't give two shits what you think.

Still high it appears. For someone that doesn't care what we think, you sure try really hard to impress us.
As for this thread, my blood pressure got a little too high. I really don't give two shits what you think.


But you do like telling that story of failing players. +1,000 internets for you
Fire everyone, close the doors, liquidate assets and distribute the funds to people who were injured playing high-risk, high-earning sports.
I'd keep doing what I'm doing. Record revenue and surpluses and I'm making $1.7M in salary and bonuses. This is a business I'm running. Who cares about what the football-enjoying public wants? Why should I have to deal with fairness and equality across the members - you can't compete, get your administration to cheat like everyone else. Not my problem.
Ban football for amateur athletes due to the unknown risks associated with the sport. Flip the bird to everyone at the press conference, tear my shirt off, and then run out the media entrance screaming, "The end is nigh!"
  • All scholarships are now given out for the full four years of a student-athletes potential eligibility. In the event that a student leaves the school, that scholarship will not be made available.
  • Ban true freshmen from playing.
  • Penalties for recruiting violations, player-payment, etc is drastically increased and enforced. Reinstatement of the death penalty.
  • Reduce the number of bowl games.
  • Teams may only punt the ball up to three times per game.
At the end of the 3rd qtr, the score is

coit 38
gtphd 0

gtphd needs to run the hurry-up if he's gonna have a shot at winning this one.
Yeah, you went to this thread I suppose.

Lots of examples in there.

And I also remember when you tried to tell us all that you can't use bluetooth headphones on an airplane. That was last month.

And I remember when you were having a safe room built in your mansion.

And I remember when you wanted to endow a scholarship in your name. That was last week I believe.

You are trying too öööö hard. If you want us to believe you so much you should try coming out to a tailgate. Otherwise you are just another bullshitter like Beestorm and Diseqc, etc.

Also, why not address the point of my post which was that there's no way you flunked half of a class of athletes.

Also, if memory serves, he started an alternate account a while back to pat himself on the back in debates. He is definitely full of öööö. But it's very possible that he was a grad student at GT who failed some athletes as a TA. Or maybe he is a lecturer who failed some athletes. But I don't think he ever claimed to be a GT prof (and if he was a GT prof we wouldn't hear the end of it).
At the end of the 3rd qtr, the score is

coit 38
gtphd 0

gtphd needs to run the hurry-up if he's gonna have a shot at winning this one.

It's not like I posted pictures disproving his unfounded claims or anything... But stingtalk never lets facts get in the way.