New QB Commit

We don't like recruiting those type of olineman.
We prefer recruiting up and coming Matadors and training them to play Oline.

The thing I don't understand is that we protected so well the year before last, then regressed to terrible....with almost all the same guys. Gotta be mental I guess.

They say Shaq made the calls at the line and Burden I guess was dealing with a lot of loss off the field, plus playing hurt. Only sense I can make out of it.
When you have two nfl draft ready recievers, you don't have to hold blocks as long. Plus, you are a little more confident in throwing the ball before they get separation.

But moving Joe outside brought his play down. He is a better guard than tackle. Our tackles were freshmen by the end of the year.
The thing I don't understand is that we protected so well the year before last, then regressed to terrible....with almost all the same guys. Gotta be mental I guess.

They say Shaq made the calls at the line and Burden I guess was dealing with a lot of loss off the field, plus playing hurt. Only sense I can make out of it.

Did we really, though? I think our protection was still mediocre at best last season, the main difference was that JT trusted Smelter to be where he was supposed to be at the right time and to catch the ball.

To my untrained eye, it looked like teams came after us full force this year with no respect for the passing game and we couldn't do anything about it. In 2014 our guys could win those man-to-man matchups pretty regularly. 2015, not so much.
Yes, we were definitely better at pass pro in 2014. Not exceptional, but solid. Having the best offensive lineman we have had in a decade helped. And JT and our Sr. WRs were on the same page, so the ball got out a lot quicker than 2015.
Did we really, though? I think our protection was still mediocre at best last season, the main difference was that JT trusted Smelter to be where he was supposed to be at the right time and to catch the ball.

To my untrained eye, it looked like teams came after us full force this year with no respect for the passing game and we couldn't do anything about it. In 2014 our guys could win those man-to-man matchups pretty regularly. 2015, not so much.

Yeah, this thinking that we've ever had decent pass protection in the past 10 years is delusional. We got lucky last year. This year though was especially bad. Just not even touching guys. 2 or 3 across the line off the snap. If that doesn't get the O-line coach fired what does?
'14 was really a special year. It's hard to compare anything to it. The sum of the whole was much larger than the parts. The fact that the receivers were NFL caliber and the Backs were solid, the line looked that much better, and vice versa. There wasn't any one silver bullet that made the offense better, but the aggregate of all of it.
The line was the best line in the country, bar none.
Two WRs are now profitable members of the League.
'16 will be better than '15 definition, that is better.

Well, our OOC record should improve by 1 win. (+1)

Our record vs the Atlantic div will probably stay even. (0)

Our record vs the Coastal div should improve by 3. (+3)

So we should be looking at 7 wins.

The Pitt, UVa, UNC, VT, and UGa losses this last year were shitshows. The coaching staff should be uniformly embarrassed we could have flipped half of those games. We could have won them all.