Bark Madley blog on AJC.


Jan 19, 2004
Here is the link.

This is one of the more factual arguements to whether the offense will make us a national contender. He went more into it affecting our recruiting on defense.....

son_sir has made an interesting point and one that leads me into this post. Coach Johnson is good. Very good. But having said that I still have my doubts as to the long term success of this offense at this level. Forget this year folks. This offense requires depth and Tech doesn’t have it. Asking a handful of big guys to run 20-25 yards per play in the heat of September and October is going to cost you. Recruiting the bodies needed to run these hybrid offenses usually causes the numbers allocated to the recruitment of defensive players to fall off substantially. Check that. Look at Texas Tech. They will never win a Big 12 title as someone above pointed out. One need look no farther than UF to see how Urban Meyer has let that D die a slow death. He will lose another 3 or 4 games this year. Look at WVU. They lose big games because of D. Defense will always win championships. You will not win shootouts with teams like UGA. They will always have the depth. They will always have the D. Coach Johnson talks of more speed at Tech. He failed to mention that the competition at this level is a hell of a lot faster too. This offense worked in a weak environment. I’m sorry but until I see this system beat top tier teams consistently in the ACC and the occassional SEC team, I will continue to doubt. Tech is a long term project. Even more so with this new system. I hope Coach Johnson does well, but at best I see Tech being a Texas Tech in the ACC. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. But I really do hope I’m wrong for Coach Johnson’s sake.
I consider a link to Bark Madley to be the same as a link to a keylogger. I don't go there.

I have no interest in furthering his number of hits.

The AUC can just consume its own offal and die. Mebbe then we can have a paper rise up that is worthy of our city and region.
Think about it for a second. Bradley has foreclosed the possibility that we will ever win the ACC title (despite being in the title game recently with one of the worst offenses in D1).

His evidence? An offense he's never seen that no one - not even Bradley would argue is less productive than the offense that got us to the title game. A title game we could have won by scoring nine measley points.

And he wonders why some people think he's an idiot.
Think about it for a second. Bradley has foreclosed the possibility that we will ever win the ACC title (despite being in the title game recently with one of the worst offenses in D1).

His evidence? An offense he's never seen that no one - not even Bradley would argue is less productive than the offense that got us to the title game. A title game we could have won by scoring nine measley points.

And he wonders why some people think he's an idiot.

Since we like to get on the AJC for misleading headlines and such, it should probably be pointed out that what is in 76Tornado's post was not written by Mark Bradley. It was some comment by a guy named "exNFLPlayer". Mark Bradley's article is entitled "Johnson will be successful at Tech" and ends with "'In my mind, it’s been proved that this offense will work,' said Johnson, and not just in his mind but, over the past quarter-century, on various fields of play. Soon enough, it will work at Tech. It will work because Paul Johnson will make it work."
half the commits so far for 2009 are defensive commits

just sayin

Look I don't mean to take Bradley bait, but this poster seemed to make a few good comments. Whether or not this pertains to what CPJ is capable of is another angle. I thought the UF comment was dead on, but will this happen when we get the depth we want on the offensive side of the ball? I don't normally listen to this crap, but this guy seemed to have some objective opinions on the TO/spread type of O.
Funny how the last time we beat UGA it was in shootouts with unconventional offenses and poor defense.
Thank you, gth816f, for pointing that out.

I prefer not to click on AJC links and incorrectly assumed the snippet was taken from Bradley's article.
yeah our defense stunk with Tenuta the last 6 years. Bark madley is a bullfag/SEC homer all the way...
Funny how the last time we beat UGA it was in shootouts with unconventional offenses and poor defense.

Agreed, but we also had 4 losses in a season. Are we as a fanbase satisfied with that as long as we get a few from UGA? I want to beat the mutts, but I want another NC. Until I see the defense regress, I don't buy this arguement. I can see where it might happen, depending on how deep we need to be to run this offense.
Agreed, but we also had 4 losses in a season. Are we as a fanbase satisfied with that as long as we get a few from UGA?

4 losses and a win over UGA > 5 losses and a loss to UGA.
yeah our defense stunk with Tenuta the last 6 years. Bark madley is a bullfag/SEC homer all the way...

Again, the comments posted were not from Bark. This was actually a well written article (I can't believe I just typed that) praising PJ and GT.
4 losses and a win over UGA > 5 losses and a loss to UGA.
I think every Tech fan would agree to that. The comment was more like is (2 or 3 extra losses)>(win over UGA)?

Personally, I will rank 'usual' priorities as
(BCS Bowl Win)>(ACCC)>(UGA Win)>(Top Ten Ranking);
but I have to say, right now, all I want is several wins on UGA in the next few years more than anything else.
I think every Tech fan would agree to that. The comment was more like is (2 or 3 extra losses)>(win over UGA)?

7-5 with a win over UGA > 9-3 with a loss over UGA.

The UGA game is worth 3 wins.
exNFL player is spewing nonsense. Either he's ill informed or lying. For one, who in hades has proven anything about UF's defense being dead? They won it all 2 freakin' years ago and were a score away from winning the SEC again last year. By most counts their defense will be improved this year and they will again be the class of the SEC (beating Ugag soundly imo). Secondly, what wouldn't we give to be as good as WVU right now? WVU was one injured QB away during the Pitt game (which they lost like 14-9 or something, hardly a defensive letdown) from a National Championship birth, which I'm sure they would've won against Ohio State. Well, all they did despite that loss was beat Oklahoma soundly in a BCS bowl last year and played very good defense. Their defense was much improved last year over 06-07. And, finally, look at CPJ's defenses at GSU where he actually had a level playing field talent-wise to his opponents. Their defense was ranked top 5 in every category. How about that for a sound argument? Don't let facts get in the way though.
yes, the problem is that X changes it's value depending on the situation of the rivalry. X is pretty much infinity now that we have lost so many in a row. I should write a mathematical treatise of the UGAy rivalry.