Besides the loss...


Oct 18, 2002
Actual football notwithstanding, how was the game?

We didn’t introduce Buzz and have him run on the field and such. I’ll be disappointed if we’re deemphasizing Buzz - he’s a great mascot.

The Wreck entrance was a little better, but the band started playing a few seconds before the Wreck came out of the tunnel, and it seemed like the Wreck was halfway around the field before the cheerleaders ended and the players started.

The “What’s the Good Word” thing just isn’t working.

We seem to have even less of an organized pregame “script” than usual this season, in terms of a good hype video, player intros, etc. The “above the line” thing doesn’t lend itself to introducing the players on the Jumbotron.

It’s a perpetual embarrassment that we can’t keep the stadium A/V system working for 7 games a year.

The unis were OK, but need bigger name fonts. I might make it through the whole year without being able to tell who half the players are, especially with all the new guys playing.

It seemed like they got the “money down” message and reserved the PA call for inside the 20s for the most part.

Not sure what to think of that new whistle on the Edge building. It sure does look like a big PVC pipe with a little whistle on top of it.


The P/A announcer still sucks. Not screaming money down every 3rd down is a start.

The forced cheers you mentioned are bad. Maybe the cheerleaders could organize them?

Don’t like not seeing the team run out behind the Wreck.
I don't understand why we seem to be moving away from Buzz. He is practically absent from the program now. I don't get why.
The band was allowed to participate some in the game yesterday and play 3rd down chords.

The whistle was emphasized almost like a öööö you we heard you type of thing.

They tried on the Wreck runout, but it’s still bad. The entire cheerleading squad should not run behind the wreck. It should be flags, a few cheerleaders, wreck, team.
They tried on the Wreck runout, but it’s still bad. The entire cheerleading squad should not run behind the wreck. It should be flags, a few cheerleaders, wreck, team.

Yeah, maybe that’s what seemed off to me - the flags used to come out first, didn’t they?

Yeah, maybe that’s what seemed off to me - the flags used to come out first, didn’t they?

Yes. The cheerleaders used to put the flags on the turf in front of the banner and that’s how you knew they were coming because they’d work to get the big flag up and running.

Now it’s Band starts......Wreck unceremoniously comes out 4 measures in, an absolute army of cheerleaders takes 3-4 minutes to filter through, smoke, and team files out after the wreck is parked and the engine is cooled.
It was dumb to get rid of the run through banner. If they want to be more professional, the AA can pay for designing and printing paper banners instead of having RRC do them by hand.

Now, they seem more focused on having a bunch of nobodies standing around the run through taking cell phone videos. Entrance was way, way more hype ten years ago (zombie nation + run through banner) than it is today.
1) Agree about Buzz, not sure what is up with that. Did they even do the pass him over the students thing?

2) The Wreck/team entrance is screwed up. It was flat primarily because the timing was off

3) Most of the rest of the game experience was very good though. I thought there was more energy in the stands especially given the opponent and heat. I think the players dancing and getting into the game did help in this aspect. Some of the Video stuff did help. The students are doing a lot better than in the recent past.
Actual football notwithstanding, how was the game?

We didn’t introduce Buzz and have him run on the field and such. I’ll be disappointed if we’re deemphasizing Buzz - he’s a great mascot.

The Wreck entrance was a little better, but the band started playing a few seconds before the Wreck came out of the tunnel, and it seemed like the Wreck was halfway around the field before the cheerleaders ended and the players started.

The “What’s the Good Word” thing just isn’t working.

We seem to have even less of an organized pregame “script” than usual this season, in terms of a good hype video, player intros, etc. The “above the line” thing doesn’t lend itself to introducing the players on the Jumbotron.

It’s a perpetual embarrassment that we can’t keep the stadium A/V system working for 7 games a year.

The unis were OK, but need bigger name fonts. I might make it through the whole year without being able to tell who half the players are, especially with all the new guys playing.

It seemed like they got the “money down” message and reserved the PA call for inside the 20s for the most part.

Not sure what to think of that new whistle on the Edge building. It sure does look like a big PVC pipe with a little whistle on top of it.


Uniforms looked good. Too bad we can never ever wear them again.
“Forced” cheers stink.

The music playing, not from an actual in stadium band, while the teams are at the LOS are childish and bush league. The fans need to make the noise. If folks want to go to a rock concert a football game is not the place

The team did run out behind the wreck, they just follow a larger group of cheerleaders now. Non consequential.

The older application of steam whistle, live or video, was better.

A PA announcer trying to be a cheerleader is a lame excuse for fans not getting involved.

Too much wussy ACC influence instead of true southern football influence.
Nothing like a new staff coming in and changing tradition. We need more "Buzz"
”Forced” cheers stink.

The music playing, not from an actual in stadium band, while the teams are at the LOS are childish and bush league. The fans need to make the noise. If folks want to go to a rock concert a football game is not the place

The team did run out behind the wreck, they just follow a larger group of cheerleaders now. Non consequential.

The older application of steam whistle, live or video, was better.

Buzz involvement? The kid is a mascot, not the reason for being at the game. The old intro screaming “worlds favorite mascot” has grown weary and lame. The mascot needs to be a support item that, like cheerleaders, helps to only lead team on the field, interact a little with fans in the stands. Much ado about nothing.

A PA announcer trying to be a cheerleader is a lame excuse for fans not getting involved.

Too much wussy ACC influence instead of true southern football influence.
We need to fire the Wreck driver for his lack of aggressiveness. A full lap of the field is required. End of story. I remember the Wreck driver before the Miami game one year, when the Miami players intentionally blocked it for their fake prayers (oh yeah, here comes the car, imma kneel in front of it and pray) the Wreck driver sat there and layed on the horn, refusing to change his path.

The Reck club is a bunch of pussies nowadays. Dammit. The Wreck isn't the Mona Lisa. It was never meant to be a museum piece. Stop treating it as so. Drive the ööööing thing. If you gotta run over UNC's starting running back because he is in the way, do it. Same with that stupid inbred dog.

Now make a lap or we will forcibly put a Stingtalker behind the wheel.
”Forced” cheers stink.

The music playing, not from an actual in stadium band, while the teams are at the LOS are childish and bush league. The fans need to make the noise. If folks want to go to a rock concert a football game is not the place

The team did run out behind the wreck, they just follow a larger group of cheerleaders now. Non consequential.

The older application of steam whistle, live or video, was better.

Buzz involvement? The kid is a mascot, not the reason for being at the game. The old intro screaming “worlds favorite mascot” has grown weary and lame. The mascot needs to be a support item that, like cheerleaders, helps to only lead team on the field, interact a little with fans in the stands. Much ado about nothing.

A PA announcer trying to be a cheerleader is a lame excuse for fans not getting involved.

Too much wussy ACC influence instead of true southern football influence.
