Tech Must Improve or Drop Sports


Damn Good Rat
Aug 15, 2014
My Daddy started taking me to Tech games in 1957, when I was 7 years old. I have been a Tech fan all my life. I do not find any joy in writing this. I am very invested in this program.

Specifically, I do not mean this as a personal criticism of any administrator, coach or anybody else.

However, in my life, I have seen Tech go from a time when people could not buy tickets to a time when you cannot give tickets away. I have seen Tech go from being one of the most respected programs in the nation to being nothing short of a total joke.

We do not have any leadership that has accomplished anything to give me hope. I think our football coach is in way over his head. I do not believe he will recruit much better than past coaches, and I do not think he is a competent head coach. In short, with him running the football program, I think Tech is doomed.

I think our basketball coach is worse than incompetent. The things that have happened under his "watch" should never be tolerated. We would be better off with a student coach with a strong sense of right and wrong than with our present coach. I wish him the best, but I hope it will happen somewhere else. Maybe he was just not paying attention, but that is itself enough reason for him to be fired.

I feel better about baseball and some other sports, but with dismal, hopeless football and basketball regimes, the other sports will not survive.

None of this speaks well of our Athletic Director. He seems like a good man, but his decisions on coaches have been catastrophic. I don't have any confidence in him, either.

So, to keep from continuing to make a mockery of Tech's proud athletic history, we need to either make a ton of changes to rescue our sports program or we need to drop sports. The people in charge of the Institute must make the decision: Fully support this proud program or put it out of its misery. I hate that it has come to this, but it has.

I know the people on this board will ridicule my views and make fun of me for being an old man living in the past. Well, I have about the same level of respect for them and their views as they have for me and mine. I don't think they know what they're talking about. Maybe, if they had more historical perspective, they would at least tolerate and respect my feelings. But, of course, they don't.

By the way, we don't need Paul Johnson. He couldn't get it done. We need people like Bobby Dodd, Bobby Ross, Whack Hyder, Bobby Cremins, Homer Rice, and Bill Curry. We need integrity, leadership and excellence. We need the "A Team."
Bill Curry? Really? What did he ever accomplish here besides one All American Bowl?
Hang in there Ciraldo. I feel your pain but truly believe better times are coming on the gridiron. This was a really tough season. This coach is trying to fundamentally change how our football program is run. His recruiting program is light years ahead of his predecessors and I, as a likewise diehard, believe we are moving in the right direction. Stansbury gets it. Remember this is his first major hire on the flats.

Regarding basketball, I see your point. The Hewitt contract was devastating and I’m not sure who would take the job right now. We haven’t recruited BB well for years and there doesn’t seem much signs of life in the program.

Baseball has been stuck in mud for years. No excuse for not competing for ACC and National championships regularly. We have so much talent just in metro Atlanta alone and a strong legacy and alumni base. This one baffles me.

We need to continue to support our athletic programs. They have had too much of a positive impact on generations of people. Hopefully the new President will recognize this.
You're not the ööööing boss of us.

You are correct. I am not your boss. But, I am a Tech fan with a sincere point of view. I will not be intimidated by any of you or all of you. I wish my biggest concern about Tech was that some fans disagree with my views. I think this program's problems are much too serious for fans to solve. Except for this: The mismanagement of Tech athletics is driving fans away at a dangerous rate. This will cost a program that is deeply in debt the resources it needs to survive.
You are correct. I am not your boss. But, I am a Tech fan with a sincere point of view. I will not be intimidated by any of you or all of you. I wish my biggest concern about Tech was that some fans disagree with my views. I think this program's problems are much too serious for fans to solve. Except for this: The mismanagement of Tech athletics is driving fans away at a dangerous rate. This will cost a program that is deeply in debt the resources it needs to survive.

The worst decision ever made was to leave the SEC. That was the beginning of this downward trend and the football program hasn’t been the same since. But, we are in the perfect region to be successful. If you really pay attention to our recruiting under Collins, we are competing against almost all of the major colleges in the south East for recruits. Collins has already proved, he can get better talent then has been here in the past 25 years. Now he just has to prove that he can coach....and if that happens it could take years. Don’t over react. I have faith
You are correct. I am not your boss. But, I am a Tech fan with a sincere point of view. I will not be intimidated by any of you or all of you. I wish my biggest concern about Tech was that some fans disagree with my views. I think this program's problems are much too serious for fans to solve. Except for this: The mismanagement of Tech athletics is driving fans away at a dangerous rate. This will cost a program that is deeply in debt the resources it needs to survive.
We have been the same kind of mediocre-on-average program for the 22 years that I've followed the program, and if you include the first 10 years of my life back to 1987, it stays that way even with the 1990 MNC included. I have no expectation that Tech is going to make the changes necessary for us to be a football power and I don't really have any interest in that. I don't have any idea how to fix a college football program because I've spent more time at college watching football than doing school work, so I can't tell you whether your points are valid or not. But between now and the year 2119, we're gonna have some really good years and some really bad years and the world will keep spinning while we keep crying.
Your post loses a lot of credibility when you say that you don't think we will recruit any better. That's obviously not true.

We are at a low point with respect to football we haven't seen since 1994. Jury is still out on Collins and we will see. It's hard not to see upside in a lot of different things unless you are really dug in the mud which it seems you are.

You also lose credibility trying to cherry-pick back into history. My "historical perspective" is that Georgia Tech Athletics was never more tanked and in the ööööter than it was in the 70s and 80s. Thanks to names like Rice, Ross, and Cremins, and the great luck of getting into the ACC, Tech overcame the disastrous reign of Dodd as AD. Curry loved Tech so much he went to Bama.

I think we are at an inflection point. It's not a popular opinion but one that I share with you is that the jury is still out on Stansbury for a lot of different reasons that go beyond the selection of coaches.
Tech football brought in a coach to try to out scheme the competition. He had a good run but got stale. So now they bring in a coach to try to out recruit the competition.

I guess it depends on your expectations if you think he will be successful. Can we compete in the ACC Coastal with Collins? I think so. Beat the UGAs or Clemson's even close to 50% of the time; doubtful.

We should be able to handle the Dukes and UNCs. Maybe we get lucky one season and beat Clemson and UGA, who knows.

Tech has pretty much been a joke in sports since I have been alive - mid 1970's. Bobby Cremins made basketball respectable but that was all flushed down the toilet. The stars aligned and Tech won a championship in football. Stars can align again.
I do get the feeling on the board that most would rather older Tech fans either go away or shut up. Perhaps we need to purge the fan base of everyone who is ever unhappy with the program and was alive when Bobby Dodd coached. It may be a necessary step to change the culture.
I do get the feeling on the board that most would rather older Tech fans either go away or shut up. Perhaps we need to purge the fan base of everyone who is ever unhappy with the program and was alive when Bobby Dodd coached. It may be a necessary step to change the culture.

Not true. There are plenty of older fans that aren't pussies and don't lean on "respect my opinion BECAUSE I'M OLD".
