New Offensive Coordinator - Buster Faulkner - (UGa)

I like drinking co-ors light at the tailgate because it’s light and tastes better than miller lite. What do you guys think?
Once had a history professor stop in the middle of the lecture, glare at the class and bellow:
"Coors Light? How the hell do you get any lighter than regular Coors?"
And then resumed his lecture on post Reconstruction U.S. History.
Enough of y'all's shucking and jiving and joking. Lay some stats and facts on me about the hire
Enough of y'all's shucking and jiving and joking. Lay some stats and facts on me about the hire

He constantly mooches off the success of others and has already been scrubbed from the UGA coaching roster online. Rumor is he think he’s quite fashionable but how can you be with a name like Buster. He always talks about what he wants to do next in his career but he never gets off his rear end to do it.
Enough of y'all's shucking and jiving and joking. Lay some stats and facts on me about the hire
He interviewed 12 candidates in total. None would take the buyout he offered so he settled for Buster - because he wouldn't buster the budget.

True story.
He constantly mooches off the success of others and has already been scrubbed from the UGA coaching roster online. Rumor is he think he’s quite fashionable but how can you be with a name like Buster. He always talks about what he wants to do next in his career but he never gets off his rear end to do it.
As a child I wore Buster Brown shoes. I thought they were fashionable.
He co-nstantly mooches off the success of others and has already been scrubbed from the UGA co-aching roster online. Rumor is he think he’s quite fashionable but how can you be with a name like Buster. He always talks about what he wants to do next in his career but he never gets off his rear end to do it.

He's 3-0 in CO-FH.
As a child I wore Buster Brown shoes. I thought they were fashionable.

I have a white lace up pair in a memory box somewhere in the basement. My mother sewed bells onto the heels so she could keep track of me. I developed a habit early of using the doorknob and with several older siblings it was rarely locked.
They quote the prick QB who said he developed him, but it was my understanding analysts could not do any on field coaching.
Also, I wonder if the mutts running the search committee had any hand in pushing him.
Once had a history professor stop in the middle of the lecture, glare at the class and bellow:
"Coors Light? How the hell do you get any lighter than regular Coors?"
And then resumed his lecture on post Reconstruction U.S. History.
The coolest thing I learned about Coors this year is that it wasn’t sold east of Mississippi back in the 70s so people thought it was a premium beer in the South.