Is There Any Instance That You Would Pull for The Dwags?

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Flats Noob
May 15, 2003
I read somewhere today where there are some GT fans pulling for the DWAGs tonight simply because they are
from the state of Georgia. Does this mean there is a new wave of GT fans that pull for our biggest rival, just
because they are located in Georgia too?

I was almost speechless when I read that, evidently they were not raised like I was to hate those sumb*tches with
a passion and to never pull for them no matter what the circumstances are!
I read somewhere today where there are some GT fans pulling for the DWAGs tonight simply because they are
from the state of Georgia. Does this mean there is a new wave of GT fans that pull for our biggest rival, just
because they are located in Georgia too?

I was almost speechless when I read that, evidently they were not raised like I was to hate those sumb*tches with
a passion and to never pull for them no matter what the circumstances are!
Those are not GT fans. They’re cucks who wear GT stuff and say they’re Tech fans to look smart and will root for uga because they like sucking uga’s dick to appease their wives, family and friends.
I read somewhere today where there are some GT fans pulling for the DWAGs tonight simply because they are
from the state of Georgia. Does this mean there is a new wave of GT fans that pull for our biggest rival, just
because they are located in Georgia too?

I was almost speechless when I read that, evidently they were not raised like I was to hate those sumb*tches with
a passion and to never pull for them no matter what the circumstances are!
Did you miss the buster faulkner threads? Plenty of these pussies right here on stingtalk.

CSB today my yoga teacher saw my Tech hat as I walked in, said her husband and his buddies went to uGA grad school and are out at the game tonight. I said, they have a grad school? She laughed, then said something else about them going away to California without their wives, they do everything together lol hahaha. I said' "what a bunch of losers." She laughed again. I stared at her. "Seriously." Anyway, I think I have to öööö her now?

CSB today my yoga teacher saw my Tech hat as I walked in, said her husband and his buddies went to uGA grad school and are out at the game tonight. I said, they have a grad school? She laughed, then said something else about them going away to California without their wives, they do everything together lol hahaha. I said' "what a bunch of losers." She laughed again. I stared at her. "Seriously." Anyway, I think I have to öööö her now?
Now? Should’ve been immediately after the conversation.
Only if it helped Tech get into a playoff or something.
In a situation like that, whatever is going to happen will happen and those dumb shits can öööö themselves just fine without my support. öööö those barking bitch motheröööööös and their brother-ööööing mothers
On the other hand, it's not wrong that I've been wearing a TCU hat all day is it? Got barked at too. Well, that part is nothing new. Piss on the Dwags.
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