Tech & Taylor Swift

So who thinks was hotter? Vanessa Carlton or Michelle Branch? One played the Piano and the other played guitar but around the same time. I always thought they could be sisters. Thoughts?

piano chick

and you can hear Taylor Swift without knowing that is who it is

When I flip around the radio and hear an interchangeable pop tune I flip before the end to hear who it is. The girl singers all sound the same to me because I lack interest.
I wanted to go to the Ministry/ Gary Numan show at the Tabernacle this past Saturday night, but the little ööööers that like Tater Swift made that a "nope". Wasn't fighting that traffic.
I watched that game on my laptop at the Tesla plant in California. Got paid a lot of money while I watched it.

No more traffic than normal getting to the hotel.
It’s funny I thought I had never heard the song you speak of. I went on YouTube and you are right I have heard bits of this annoying pop ditty on some commercial or somewhere. On a completely different note a true singer songwriter Gordon Lightfoot died today at 84. Rest In Peace.

She also did a pretty major ad campaign for a credit card company that played during football games all season long so I imagine most on here have seen and heard her at least a bit.
Man enough to admit this is all I know about Taylor Swift:
- Has a lot of popular songs (couldn't tell you which)
- Was on American Idol
- Caused traffic for some Tech fans after 2015 FSU game
I wanted to go to the Ministry/ Gary Numan show at the Tabernacle this past Saturday night, but the little ööööers that like Tater Swift made that a "nope". Wasn't fighting that traffic.
I never got into Ministry but Gary Numan is great. The song Down In The Park takes me back to my youth.
She also did a pretty major ad campaign for a credit card company that played during football games all season long so I imagine most on here have seen and heard her at least a bit.
If you’ve posted on ST for any amount of time, there was also the auto play days.
I wanted to go to the Ministry/ Gary Numan show at the Tabernacle this past Saturday night, but the little ööööers that like Tater Swift made that a "nope". Wasn't fighting that traffic.

Jesus built his hot rod
I wanted to go to the Ministry/ Gary Numan show at the Tabernacle this past Saturday night, but the little ööööers that like Tater Swift made that a "nope". Wasn't fighting that traffic.
Wait, those two played on the same ticket?
Wait, those two played on the same ticket?
Yes. And I hated Taylor Swift for it. We thought about it Saturday morning and then thought we weren't gonna fight the cluster öööö
Man enough to admit this is all I know about Taylor Swift:
- Has a lot of popular songs (couldn't tell you which)
- Was on American Idol
- Caused traffic for some Tech fans after 2015 FSU game
Taylor Swift was not on American Idol, you are probably thinking of Carrie Underwood who is way hotter than Taylor Swift.