GT Rivalries


Dec 24, 2008
For Tech fans, our in-state rivalry with UGA is easily the most important...but what is our second most important rivalry?

The ACC power brokers seem to think that Tech fans should be emotionally invested in a rivalry with Clemson (due to proximity and a couple of big wins?), but is that really true? Or has it been forced on us by the necessities of scheduling, etc.?

Those with memories that predate the Internet and the iPhone will remember our history with Auburn (which held an annual "Wreck Tech" parade back in the day). The annual tilt with Auburn was almost as storied as "Clean, Old-fashioned Hate", and these were, in my mind, at least, much bigger games than we've seen in the past couple of decades with our usual slate of ACC opponents.

So who do you consider to be our # 2 rival, for me it will always be Auburn and I wish that we could bring that game back on a semi-rotating basis similar to UGA and Clemson.
I've always thought Clemson and more recently Vpisu. I enjoy beating UNC. Auburn is too far removed to really count as a modern day rivalry, we last played them in what, 2003 and 2005?
When I was a student in the 90’s, the big games were uga, Clemson, and FSU. I wouldn’t call fsu a rival, but it was a packed house both here and there. The acc was stupid to kill that when we went to divisions. We should have been switched with Maryland.

UVa and UNC always have some interest. Duke had a long history.

VT gained some interest since they joined. Miami has some interest.

The rest of the acc I could care less about.
Of all our rivals, past and present, I would place Auburn and Bama after the mutts. An Auburn fan at my church reminded me Sunday of the old "Wreck Tech" parade at Auburn. We once had an 18-game win streak over them and used to play them, if not all the time, at least some of the time, in Columbus, GA. After those two, I would place Tennessee. There were some awesome games between Neyland and Dodd, whom Neyland hated for not hanging around for his last season. More currently, because of the number of games played, I would say Clemson, and they would be followed by FSU and VPI.
Clemson definitely feels forced. UVA is natural since we knocked them from the #1 spot in 1990, but just not enough hate there. FSU, followed by VT and (growing) Miami get my vote.

Edit: worth adding a pole? Would be interesting to see aggregated in that fashion.
Of all our rivals, past and present, I would place Auburn and Bama after the mutts. An Auburn fan at my church reminded me Sunday of the old "Wreck Tech" parade at Auburn. We once had an 18-game win streak over them and used to play them, if not all the time, at least some of the time, in Columbus, GA. After those two, I would place Tennessee. There were some awesome games between Neyland and Dodd, whom Neyland hated for not hanging around for his last season. More currently, because of the number of games played, I would say Clemson, and they would be followed by FSU and VPI.
That's a good historical list. In this "modern" screwed up era it comes down to thUGA, Klempsum, Flawdastate and Puke. Mostly I just look at it as teams to play and beat with the only real rivalaries being thUGA and NostraDamus.
#2 is Clemson. Maybe Auburn was comparable as a rival in 70s & early 80s. But we don't play them often enough now for younger & middle aged fans to get worked up about them. I'm mid 50s and GT/Auburn was fading as a rivalry when I was an undergrad. VT 3rd. FSU 4th. Virginia was a good series for a long time, but never really felt like a real rivalry. The stupid road curse was annoying, but that was the extent of it.
Who cares - ugag obviously- but Clemson and FSU - sure - but just got to start winning and then everyone is a rival - come on man - let’s go
Our rivalries mid-70’s when I was in school were Georgia, Auburn, Tennessee in that order. Clemson, Duke, Navy, Tulane, Notre Dame and South Carolina were regulars on the schedule that felt like rivals to a degree. Add in a few other foes each year like USC, Pitt twice, UVA, UNC, FSU and Miami and my four years at Tech had great schedules.
Back in my day Cumberland was a big rival. We put a whooping on them boys one year...

If you think Auburn and Tennessee are our main rivals then you got to remember the whooping we put on them boys up in Cumberland.