Grade Key

What grade do you give Brent Key's performance as Georgia Tech head coach?

  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D

  • F

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No body makes an A at Tech. At least the tech I went to. Surely it’s changed now for the “everyone gets a trophy” generation.

Happy with Key. Made at least 1 bad call in every close game that ended up mattering. But in general he’s done very well.
CBK would actually be 14-12. You can't really use all his interim games when comparing to only 2 seasons of everybody else. If you add those 8 games you really need to add 8 more to all the other coaches. Same with GOL he's 11-11 not 11-14. Add 8 more games to Gailey's record and it's 18-15.
Good Catch:

Wins by Coaches ( since 1980)
CPJ- 20
CGO /CBL- 11
CBR- 5
Graduated in '91.
The most common grade I made: A
The number of times I got less than a B: 0
Final GPA: 3.67

Curve breaker

I remember taking Thermo as a junior and never scoring higher than a 64 on a test. Final grade - B
54% both his full years, at Tech that is an obvious B+, we all know that
(what I gave him)