In a perfect world, sure. And of course we should do general marketing directed to all potential consumers. But the job of any sales & marketing organization is to know it's target markets and how to reach them effectively. They have to decide where the next dollar spent leads to the highest return in revenues.
Going after people that have been on campus for the last 4 years and still aren't convinced that they should buy season tickets seems like a bit of a waste of money.
Additionally, teaching Alumni to expect discounted season tickets after graduation will make lifetime bargain-hunters and not lead to revenue maximization, imo.
We seem to be doing the right things, reducing availability, upgrading facilities, and increasing the higher-revenue portions of the stadium.
If we can effectively "convert" 10% of recent college grads to adopt Tech, we can gain almost 5,000 customers now, with another 2,000-3,000 becoming available every year (10% of the recent grads [21-24yrs old] that are coming to Atlanta yearly)