question for the Gailey HATERS?........


Nov 25, 2001
you can argue semantics all day long but there is only ONE QUESTION?

Who would you bring in here?

I will go on record saying I want a better coach.

I also want:
a better car
a better house
more vacation time

Just swing by the Clemson board if you want to see the candidates.


2. They have to be consistently above .500 w/ GT qualified athletes.

I am interested in the list of candidates. After the Navy coach's gimmicky offense I think the list will get pretty interesting.
I have heard that Paul Johnson's agent has already made it known to members of the GTAA board that he would be interested in the head coaching job at Ga. Tech if it was offered to him. He should have been hired 4 years ago, and he will probably be hired to replace Gailey.

Where did this idea come from that all good athletes are stupid, or criminals?

I'm tired of hearing that year after year from Chan. I am a supporter of the man, but this approach to recruiting is getting on my nerves. We need to get the good athletes that have character, and then use all devices available to keep them in school. You don't have to go after geniuses that are great athletes.

We are Georgia Tech, we should have the ability to transform average students into great students.
do you really think...

Do you really think his offense will work against VT, Miam, ugag?

also will if it does work will he stay here?

I DO NOT WANT SUB .500 FOOTBALL at any cost. I remember the Bill ***** era like it was yesterday and I would rather CG coach for 50 years then to go back to that display.

Fridge's recent coaching displays have made it clear that if you don't have your crap together you will be sub .500.
non athletes fail out of GT regularly....

what is the non athlete attrition rate at GT?

it is pretty high so once you add the rigors of full time sports it becomes VERY difficult.

It is reality that we cannot recruit the same people at MD, NCST, UNC and the rest of the usual suspects.
Good question, Lawbee...

The fact is that a lot of programs in the ACC are not happy with their coaches. If we were to run Gailey outta town, we'd be competing with other programs for the services of whomever is out there.

OTOH, staying with Gailey seems to insure mediocrity.

I'm not ready to fire him. I want to see this season play out and then we'll see where we're at.

The fact is that we should be 4-1 right now. We're 3-2. So, we have to steal a game we aint supposed to win and then hold serve in the other games.

I had hopes for 8-3 prior to the season. Now, I'm begging for 7-4. Another 6-5 would make me puke. But I'm still not sure if 6-5 would make me want to fire him.

I'm a fence-sitter. Honestly, I've been a fence-sitter since he arrived. I've never felt good about him. I've never felt awful about him either.

BTW, not everyone that wants him gone is a Chan-hater. He's been around long enough to earn some of this criticism.

2. They have to be consistently above .500 w/ GT qualified athletes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Why do you always want to work in your opinion that no one wants to coach at Tech? That thought really bothers me.

Without getting into a "this guy would and this guy won't" pointless debate, do you consider Bobby Ross, at the time of his hire an unproven coach?

I agree that we have made some bad HC hires since, but to say its impossible for Tech to hire a great coach is just not true.

I happen to believe that the right AD has to be in place before we can get the right football coach, but once that is done we can get the guy that can re energize the program.
I also would not limit our look to only established head coaches, but I also don't want a lifer coordinator either.
I happen to like the young Jim Mora/ Arthur Blank formula.

Do you think little ol' Ga. Tech can find the type of AD that wants to be here, or are we sunk on that too?
No one has even mentioned the fact that we faced a GOOD defensive team who was desperate for a win. I thought we played well in the second half. People say we should get in some better D polayers who can tackle. I agree when talking about 1st half, but I thought we did well in the 2nd in tackling. The ONLY problem I have with the coaching on this was the decision to pass at the 2. AWFUL!!!! I don't think it calls for the coaches head, but does raise some important questions as to who should call the O plays. I SURELY did not have this opinion last night, as I was furious, but as is life, once you calm down and think rationally more rational thoughts can be brought up.
Bobby Ross was fired from MD and had his bags packed to be an assistant in the NFL.

Why don't you tell me who wants to coach at GT?

I will give you a list of the people that turned us down a few years ago.


Why do you think Dodd told Curry to take the ALA job?

GT is a difficult place to coach and for many reasons and you are naive if you think Shanahan or Stoops are going to kick down our door to take a 1mil/year paycut.
for the record.....

I think that CG is the best available coach for GT at the current time.

I posted this thread b/c I wanted people to understand that you CANNOT just go pluck a coach off the coaching tree in your backyard.

After the Navy coach you have ZERO candidates with ANY APPEAL.

GT does not pay big money. In fact CG is probably the 9th paid coach in the ACC.

Who do you know that is going to take a 200K+ paycut to TAKE A TOUGHER JOB?
you can argue semantics all day long but there is only ONE QUESTION?

Who would you bring in here?

I will go on record saying I want a better coach.

I also want:
a better car
a better house
more vacation time

Just swing by the Clemson board if you want to see the candidates.


2. They have to be consistently above .500 w/ GT qualified athletes.

I am interested in the list of candidates. After the Navy coach's gimmicky offense I think the list will get pretty interesting.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you don't think that there are TONS of "qualified" candidates that want to coach in a BCS conference; earn $1 Mil per year, AND be able to live in a place like Atl, Ga. at the same time then you are delusional!

My Top 2 are tied right now, they are :

Mike Price - 2 Rose Bowls at Wash. St. w/o recruiting thugs
Ken Whisenhunt - OC for the NFL Steelers
are you joking?....

Reports emerged during the week that Price spent hundreds of dollars at a topless bar and, the next morning, a woman ordered about $1,000 of room service and charged it to his hotel bill.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is who you want to represent GT? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif
Re: are you joking?....

I DO NOT WANT SUB .500 FOOTBALL at any cost. I remember the Bill ***** era like it was yesterday and I would rather CG coach for 50 years then to go back to that display.

[/ QUOTE ]

I understand where you're coming from, but we cannot remain mediocre due to a fear of failure. My list of candidates in no particular order would be:

-Ken Wisenhunt: a Tech man, I think he would galvanize the fan base. This guy is the candidate for the romantics out therea walkon who helped us in that famous ND game. Don't know if he can't recruit but at least he is young and energetic and the emotional value of coaching in his alma mater means he won't use us as a stepping stone.

-Paul Johnson: Gimmicky Offense, knows how to built a program with the most rigorous recruiting limitations.

-Al Borges: A brilliant offensive mind, worked on the Pac10 and Indiana, people though he might not cut in the SEC with his "Gimmicky" offense but he has done quite well. A grad of California St University so there is no chance this guy returns to his alma mater. His offensive schemes helped set a school record for passing yards at Indiana, and with recruits that were leftover in indiana and surrounding states after being overlooked by the ususal powerhouses (ND, Ohio St, Michigan, Penn St etc etc).

-Butch Davis: was able to built up Miami in the probation years, has pipelines in the rich South Fla areas, he is a disciplinarian and a great motivator and can talk his way into any recruit's heart. The problem is that being an Arkansas alumn the Razorbacks have him on the short list to replace Houston Nutt.

I think our new coach must be an offensive mind and a great recruiter, someone who can fix this offense since the D is fine and who has a history of outrecruiting bigger schools with recruiting limitations, hence be able to recruit in SEC country.
By the way I also like Bobby Petrino,he has outrecruited UK, has a great offense that has broken all school records. He is a gad of Carroll College so no chance of having a Bear Bryant "can't say no to my school" moment. The thing about this guy is that he is constantly flirting with powerhouses (AU and LSU are examples) so he would most likely use us as a stepping stone, I also think with the prospects of an easy conference and a BCS bowl he won't leave UL.
Re: are you joking?....

Reports emerged during the week that Price spent hundreds of dollars at a topless bar and, the next morning, a woman ordered about $1,000 of room service and charged it to his hotel bill.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is who you want to represent GT? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

I could give a ratz azz about those reports; If they were 100% true, then WHY is Bama trying to pay the guy a boatload of cash?

If he can teach our QBs HOW TO PLAY THE GAME; then I like him much better than I'll ever like CCG!

I'm not looking for a SAINT; I'm looking for a WINNER!

This phnoy-azz bullshiite "TECH IMAGE" is why our FB program has been so damn crappy for the better part of 35+ years.

Fans & alums that think like you buy into this crap and drink the "TECH IMAGE" kool-aid, and this leads to us fielding crappy teams, that happen to fit your "image requirements".



I agree completely with 76tornados. Last night was a great game. If we can play like we did the second half for the rest of the season, we'll be very happy come Jan.

This season has been tough on everyone. High expectations to start, we took care of business the first two games. We won the third game, but it took us off track. We were understandably hapless in the fourth. It took us the first half of the fifth game to get our heads screwed on straight. The second half of the fifth game, we take care of business with more ferver than in the first two games.

We are on the verge of something, here. Our season just might get on a steady upswing from here on out. Chan will not be fired anytime soon. It's just not going to happen. He is a viable coach for our program.

Borges offense at Indiana was ranked 98th in the NCAA.

Borges offense at Auburn without NFL 1st Rounders had its balls handed to it by Tenuta.
Re: are you joking?....

How long you gonna give him when and if he gets here and whats your definition of a winner how many games will he have to win per year to stay in your good graces?
Do you think the Institute will cut the new coach some slack on recruiting standards and if they do cut him some slack do you think the ncaa will relax the new graduation rules?
I agree completely with 76tornados. Last night was a great game. If we can play like we did the second half for the rest of the season, we'll be very happy come Jan.

[/ QUOTE ]

The problem is we could say this line at one or two points of the season for the last 4. That is the problem.