question for the Gailey HATERS?........

Re: are you joking?....

You're nuts. There was no denying the incident. We would be the laughingstock of the South if we hired this guy. Next suggestion.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ramblin', there is no doubt that Price can't be hired here, and for that matter at 97% (don't ask how I came up with 97%) of other traditional schools.

But, it would be an interesting topic for an ESPN "Outside the Lines" show.
Just like the presidency of the country and on down, people in power got away with things like Price's fun before the continual need to know of the media.
It should be the way its now, but I wonder how Dodd's affection for gambling would be seen today. What Bobby did with his wagering pales in comparison to Price's antics, but you know what I mean.
I enjoy greatly hearing the old stories about our legends and heroes, and I wonder if Bear Bryant did much worse than what Price did.

Of course, Price knew that the rules have changed, and now he pays the price, no pun intended. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: are you joking?....

Difference is, Dodd was a gentleman and conducting himself as such, Price is not.
Re: are you joking?....

Difference is, Dodd was a gentleman and conducting himself as such, Price is not.

[/ QUOTE ]

I knew I should have never cited Bobby Dodd, who I admire greatly.
Ricky, I was only trying to make a point that some of our country's beloved legends got away with things that get caught today.
I should have cited the entire damned Kennedy family!

I do not want Mike Price as "head" anything at Ga. Tech. I just thought it was interesting. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/pat.gif
Re: are you joking?....

Your forgiven, I understand fully I know you love GT sometimes we have different opinions.
which one do YOU think will take the Job and how long does he have to reach the pinnacle of sucess, Oh and by the way what is the pinnacle of sucess that you think has to be achieved.
which one do YOU think will take the Job and how long does he have to reach the pinnacle of sucess, Oh and by the way what is the pinnacle of sucess that you think has to be achieved.

[/ QUOTE ] Chow @ hc would be amazing as long as tenuta stays at defensive cordinator. 8 or 9 win season plus ocnsistency against ugag owuld be key.
My short list of possible coaches.
1.) Paul Johnson. Has roots in Georgia and made Navy a winner both as a Coach and as an OC.
2.) Brian Van Gorder. Best DC in all of college football.
3.) Bud Foster. Knows how to win and has been around the college game awhile now. Also has great defenses.
4.) Gary Patterson- What he has done with TCU deserves a look
5.) Norm Chow - throw a lot of money at him and see what happens.
6.) Joe Novak. Yeah I actually stole this one from BO, but the guy has made a small WTF? School a winner and has really put a waxing on some pretty great schools out there.
7.) Mike Leach Texas Tech football coach.
8.) Jeff Tedford, Cal's head coach.
9.) Glen Mason

These are just a few people.
Hell, in my opinion Tenuta would make a better coach than what we have right now.
If we're looking for a coach soon, my preference would be a winner at a lower level. Someone like Grobe would bring his entire staff with him so you don't have to wait around while a new coach finds his staff and then worry about them meshing and getting to know each other.
Re: are you joking?....

When I look at Chan on the sidelines with his glasses peering at his play chart and compare him to Mark Richt it makes me sick. This guy is at the end of his rope. He is not going to make Tech competitive in the long run because he cannot recruit. This program is no longer attractive to high school players of the caliber needed to beat Georgia. Florida's athletic director said at the time he fired Ron Zook that if you have to make a decision about a coach sooner or later it is best to do it sooner. Its time to bite the bullet and move on. To wait is to prolong the agony.
Re: are you joking?....

Who do you think will take the job an be sucessful?
Do you think we can recruit the top of the line SA's everyone wants under the present recruiting rules?
What other changes do think we need to make?
How many years do we give the next coach to deliver the goods? What is your benchmark for sucess?


Who do you think will take the job an be sucessful?
Do you think we can recruit the top of the line SA's everyone wants under the present recruiting rules?
What other changes do think we need to make?
How many years do we give the next coach to deliver the goods? What is your benchmark for sucess?

[/ QUOTE ]

Same question to you gcsu
I didn't mean Grobe, I meant someone like Grobe (sorry I wasn't clear...I can see why you would think that). My point is Wake got an intact staff that had been successful working together when they hired him, not just one coach.
Assuming a 7-5 or 8-4 season, by canning Chan the message sent will be that we won't back you unless you go 9-2. For Tech, that's a joke.

Accordingly, you might as well take Johnson and his gimmick offense. Since we'd be throwing in the towel, you might as well make the bit jump to gimmicks instead of athletes. Considering everything, it's probably the right choice.

I think in the short term Johnson would win and win big. But in the long term, it would be the final nail.
Re: are you joking?....

No only small minded people bring his name up as a potential coach. There's no way a legitimate school will hire someone with that baggage. If all you care about Tech is the record of the football team you're the one who is clearly out of step.

[/ QUOTE ]

Since you want to revel in your cheap shots at Mike Price; I think you should know that with all its IVY LEAGUE EDUCATED LAWYERS, Time Warner has decided to SETTLE OUT OF COURT with Mike Price in his $20 Million lawsuit.



If Price were the scumbag you claim he is; WHY wouldn't a huge conglomerate like Time Warner take this thing to a JURY with its army of high priced lawyers and simply DEFEAT PRICE at TRIAL?

Is it possible that the story took on a "life of its own" and many of the things that were "reported as being true" ended up being "urban myths", whic h is WHy Time-Warner chose to settle, RATHER THAN LOSE AT TRIAL?

Since time-Warner has settled, does this "repair Price's image somewhat", to the extent that he could be considered a candidate for GT, IF WE MAKE A MOVE WITH CCG?
Re: are you joking?....

Just to be sure, aren't they settling his no severance termination over a verbal but no written contract thing?
Re: are you joking?....

Just to be sure, aren't they settling his no severance termination over a verbal but no written contract thing?

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you are confusing the Univ. of Alabama with TIME-WARNER; they are the parent company that owns Sports Illustrated, that wrote all the ALLEDGEDLY "spicy details" of Price's wild weekend. A Federal Judge ruled that magazines do NOT have the same protections as do TV Networks & Newspapers when it comes to keeping their "confidential sources" anonymous; as soon as this ruling came out; TIME-WARNER settled.

This makes me beelieve that the writer knew the stripper was lying or HELPED THE STRIPPER "craft" a story to help sell magazines, thinking that a married FB coach would be too shellshocked to challenge them in court; well PRICE DID, and Sports Illustrated folded their hand.

I think Price was correct; most of the crap in that SI article was outright lies!