öööö You FSU!

So after chewing on this for 30 min. My initial thoughts.

1. The mentality seems to be there, let's treat next week like a business trip and keep on keeping on.

2. The o-line is as advertised, I don't know how other D-lines will look, but there is a decent chance that FSU's was the best that we will face until Georgia. I think this bodes well.

3. That D woke up and played pretty darn well, especially compared to last year. Let's hope they keep improving and this is the start of something special.

4. Team... team.... team.... we played and win as a team and it was great.

5. I want the video game folks to rerank our players and push an update.
I've done no drugs and I won no money...
I feel as as high as a person can get.
LETS ööööing GO!!!!