“Let’s Work”

Wait, We just released another Hype Twat following 27 losses (Technically 25 but let's be honest it was a short season)........ Dang, I'm shocked that I'm not, well Shocked.

This Guy is the College Football Seth Greene "Special K" from Can't Hardly Wait. He'd be better served jerking off with Sandpaper
The team, including incoming Fr, should just hang their heads in shame until they win, rather than show some positivity. Collins is a ööööing asshole & should dwell in the past and those 3-win seasons rather than trying to move forward with a totally new team.

Because öööö that. Being miserable is the key to victory! Never forget the Citadel! Bring back PJ!
Wait, We just released another Hype Twat following 27 losses (Technically 25 but let's be honest it was a short season)........ Dang, I'm shocked that I'm not, well Shocked.

This Guy is the College Football Seth Greene "Special K" from Can't Hardly Wait. He'd be better served jerking off with Sandpaper

How is "Let's work" hype? They are concsiously trying not to hype, but you don't just get to go radio silent and not market your team at all.
As an alumnus and fan for 50 years, I never thought I’d see such hatred spewed out at a GT coach and after Gailey left I hoped to never see it again. Part of the revulsion I had about Gailey-hate was that he didn’t deserve much of the criticism.

But here we are and the hatred for a GT coach is far worse than it was for Gailey. Then again, so far, Collins is a far worse coach than Gailey was. Sadly, I don’t see GT becoming competitive for several years...it ever.
I get the pessimism. But, I don’t get the criticism of trying to motivate the team as Spring practice begins with an emphasis on work. At the start of a new season every team has something of a mantra for focus. If three years has taught Collins that winning at Tech demands that you outwork your opponents in the weight room, in conditioning, on the practice field and even the classroom, then I say “Better late than never.” He has tried the approach that Tech can win through recruiting hype and plenty of buzz humming and juice flowing. Now, he may be ready to try what will work, a strong worth ethic that bonds the team through their shared sacrifice to win.