1-1 with Todd Stansbury. What should I ask him?

Stadium $ ideas: Host outdoor NBA game. Host HBCU annual game. Host tough mudder or some other physical event. Charge for tours. Set up special weekend demo or event for College Football HOF. Host circus. Rent for movies or tv shows to film sets.

Like Gatorade ideas: Design new sports equipment, design and build better mobile training rooms instead of using pop-up tents, solve the first down marker/line of scrimmage with ball and cpu technology, put the first down marker line on the field in person opposed to just being able to view on television, develop smart field (sections that light up to show 1st down, line of scrimmage etc, softer turf and shock absorption to reduce concussions, scroll ads on the sidelines, end zones, track foot speed data, ground impact data, etc., just thinking off the top of my head here), develop beer that gets you drunk but wears off quicker that drinking regular beer so you can get drunk during the game but be sober by the end of it
didnt some Tech kids do that sideline concussion device? is that still a thing?
design software that automatically reviews every play immediately after it happens compiling all camera angles and immediately determines if play confirmed, stands, or over turned. reduce need for official reviews and waste of time.
set up BDS with VR capture cameras and have downloadable app for $ that lets you watch all games in VR.
When do we complete the long rumored move to the BigTen?

Also, I have some extra tickets to the aquarium and an IPod. Which SA should I give them to?

I'll hang up and listen...
seats that respond to the action
if we make a bad play you get shocked
if something exciting is happening, the seat shakes
CPJ wearing ads like a nascar suit since he gets the most air time is perfect.
seats that respond to the action
if we make a bad play you get shocked
if something exciting is happening, the seat shakes

yes, market the 4D experience of a live game at BDS. From the Rumble Seat(s).
a telemetry football
will tell you if its underinflated
holographic replays projected onto the actual field of play