1-1 with Todd Stansbury. What should I ask him?

calculate for each play
starting point, and end point
distance traveled
displacement between initial and final point

for all passes, calculate angle, v(0), v(max) and h(max)
show the equation of motion
also convert to MKS units

math is fun!
Host GHSA soccer championships.
Have some type of E-sports tourney. Let'em play on the jumbotron.
Concerts, concerts, and more concerts. Probably gotta be of the pg-13 variety.
Crossfit competitions.
Be the go to place for any sports themed movie filmed in atlanta (applies to all athletic facilities)
I was looking for pictures of GT fans in the stands at BDS to compare against similar pictures of other schools fans in their stadiums as a way to illustrate why the AA needs to drive a standard color scheme for all merchandise, but this is the picture that caught my eye from the google image search.

