2022 Gold Standard Thread

Guy in rebels jacket confirms this image meets the gold standard rules.

Chick on the right is a carbon copy of my son's wife.
I just need a time machine so I can go back and slay all this. Preferably simultaneously.

You're such a dweeb you wouldn't even have the courage to get rejected by any of these girls much less have a chance with one, incel.

That being said #6 is giving off Scary Terri vibes and I would advise against any approach on that one.

Picture to redeem things:

Calling me an incel, sheeeeesh. I'm probably half your age with twice the body count. Go simp for boring sorority girls dork
That is indeed Miss Hepburn back in the day. A drop dead gorgeous actress who could actually act, sing, and dance. She was in My Fair Lady and Breakfast at Tiffany's which is where the photo is from.
Loved her in "How to Steal a Million" with Peter O'Toole.
Elegant and Beautiful.
That is indeed Miss Hepburn back in the day. A drop dead gorgeous actress who could actually act, sing, and dance. She was in My Fair Lady and Breakfast at Tiffany's which is where the photo is from.
If you like your women anorexic, I guess. As for singing . . . you realize that Marnie Nixon (Andrew "Lonely Boy" Gold's mother) dubbed her voice, right?

Give me Grace Kelly or Ava Gardner.