2024 Transfer Portal

The Pro leagues are exempt from paying players?

No they have an exemption to being a cartel for the purpose of selling media broadcast rights. They are still subject to labor laws and unionization, which is where the NCAA will probably end up unless Congress acts to grant exemptions.
He has never seemed to actually *care* about football. Great athlete, but should probably go put his efforts towards something he enjoys.

Lot of new fast food joints going up in Jax. He'll have no problem making store manager.
I hope he finds success somewhere, just because he was a quitter and a fckng candyass at Tech doesn’t mean he can’t better himself and be happy somehow
Yea, get a degree and get a well paying job. Here's the thing, had he not quit on GT, he'd probably have a GT degree in his hand right now.
I swear to the lord Almighty that if he doesn't I will track you down and give you a verbal assault that will make you feel quite uncomfortable. You have been warned.
Is Mr. Bean logging in as you?
Is Mr. Bean logging in as you?