ACC moves this year's championship game from Charlotte

I said the same thing when the NFL utilized their power to make the citizens of Arizona revoke their immigration laws.

Something about private corporations trying using techniques like this to drive public policy in this manner is a VERY dangerous precedent...

What next, Americans elect Donald Trump and then Google and Apple use corporate threats to try to overthrow the election... VERY VERY Dangerous precedent here..
Under this reasoning, why should any school based in North Carolina be permitted to host any athletic event?
Can't we all just chip in and rent a port-a-john for those not comfortable with the men's/women's bathroom and be done with it?

I mean, isn't the ACC based in North Carolina? Don't they have any respect for the laws of their own state? That is, when they aren't using those laws to extract $50M from the University of Maryland?
Oh look, the old white men understand the little people. It's for us! Thanks old white men.

Uh wait, aren't they discriminating against an entire group of people just on the basis of where they live? How is their choice to not provide us with a product ok, but for other people it's not?
The city of Charlotte is by and large leading the charge AGAINST HB2. The city has fought legally and politically against it. They openly refuse to enforce it. They can do little else to give the middle finger to HB2.

So good job ACC, way to punish your strategic long term allies who have done a terrific job thus far hosting not just the ACC-CG, but one of your better bowl tie-ins in the Belk Bowl and also the occasional neutral site season opener. Next time before you pull the trigger Swofford, make sure it's not pointed at yourself. Moron.
Can't we all just chip in and rent a port-a-john for those not comfortable with the men's/women's bathroom and be done with it?

The bathroom part of the law doesn't affect private businesses or their customers. Bank of America Stadium is privately owned so they can do what they want in regards to bathroom policy. North Carolina is an “at will” employment state and always has been. HB2 doesn't change that but it does keep local governments from creating their own laws in that regard.
The Gary Pirkle Park in Sugar Hill has a nice football field.

I hope that they get sued and lose beaucoup million bucks for breaching their contract

I think if the ACC got sued, they would come to their senses almost immediately.

At least that's what I hope.