AJC covers the white out like only they can

Those homos are just throwing a hissy because their beloved mutts failed in their last attempt at a [insert random color]-out.

Off the record, it was poor timing by the GTAA, but that's already been beaten and put to bed enough.
That article sounds pretty similar to exactly what everyone has been saying on StingTalk the past couple weeks. I hope they're wrong, but I just have a bad feeling. It is going to be freezing.
The point is that it's typical of them to take something like this, spin it negative for a big headline and have a barebones article. The headline, description and first three lines all consist of repeating the same thing: "Plenty of Tech fans say they won't wear white."

They go on to cite one guy that says he won't and that's it.
They go on to cite one guy that says he won't and that's it.

AJC editor mentality: "Well, the North Ave. Trade School only has about 6 fans. 1 out of 6....that's what, 40%? Hell, that qualifies as 'plenty' in my book. Run the story!"
Those quoted in that story make me ashamed to be a Tech fan...the total lack of support and self-righteousness that these "fans" display is pathetic. I share the same disdain for those of you on here who made similar points. Its ok every once in a while just to do something thats asked of you without asking questions.
The point is that it's typical of them to take something like this, spin it negative for a big headline and have a barebones article. The headline, description and first three lines all consist of repeating the same thing: "Plenty of Tech fans say they won't wear white."

They go on to cite one guy that says he won't and that's it.

Jacket is exactly right --this should not even be a story. It is a story though because some a-hole over at the ajc decided to make a big deal out of nothing and attempt to throw a jab to the chin of Tech in the process.
Anyone actually make it to the very end?

If it doesn’t work, he has another idea.

“I was telling one of my friends that if we wanted to do something original, we should have a geekout and have a football game at the library,” Pritchett said, “because that’s where everyone is, anyway. It’d be a guaranteed sellout.”
Anyone actually make it to the very end?

Yes. I think the guy is making a bitter joke, and I get the sentiment. There will be no lack of people at the library before/during this game. I myself have a bio test at 6 before the game, which the teacher declined to reschedule, so during my last chance to attend a game as a student I will be forced to sit out in the general admission section, rather than in the front row which my friends and I have occupied the last several years. One of my friends has a lab starting at 6 which could very well run over kickoff...also not rescheduled. Many people have papers due/tests on Friday. The environment here with regards to sports is a lot different than a lot of schools, and it gets frustrating sometimes. Both students and the administration are responsible for this.
a full-fledged BLACK OUT isn't nearly effective as a half-assed WHITE OUT.

I plan on being in the 40% minority of whites @ the game.
I plan on making fun of anybody not in white. Seriously, if you can't support an idea by the AA for one game, it is probably best if you just not come.
Will the stadium be more or less white than America? That's setting the over/under at 74%.
Guys I am in the student section, and despite us getting free shirts, I am gonna carry 2-3 white shirts with me, to hand out to the people who dont have them on. It would be great if everyone could do that (I am not talking about white shirts you bought from TA, or B&N, but cheap ones). This might help a little bit, hopefully... At least with the people who were not aware at all...
What's a pack of white shirts at Target? $7 for 4? Buy a pack, quadruple your impact people!
Guys I am in the student section, and despite us getting free shirts, I am gonna carry 2-3 white shirts with me, to hand out to the people who dont have them on. It would be great if everyone could do that (I am not talking about white shirts you bought from TA, or B&N, but cheap ones). This might help a little bit, hopefully... At least with the people who were not aware at all...

Good for you.

You're a true fan!