Al Groh!?!?!? Hang it up - puh-lease

Mr. G

Ban Hammer'd
Mar 13, 2016
You were once a head coach in the NFL!

Now you are doing Tech-Mercer color broadcasting - just hang it up. Stop embarrassing yourself (if that is even possible - since you are so terrible to begin with).

And, what is it with that pronunciation of the word PERIMETER? PUH-RI-MET-ER. You don't have to enunciate each syllable you nut-case!

What a bush-league product!
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I dont know....i found him entertaining in a "Hey you kids, get off my lawn!" sort of way.
He enunciates too much. For instance, "perimeter" is pronounced like "purrimudur" in Footballese. He enunciates the "t" and it's like listening to a tax accountant.
So, once again - I am wrong. Al Groh is the greatest broadcaster of all time.
Is it embarrassing to announce college football games now?
Is it embarrassing to announce college football games now?
I would have thought so if you were once an NFL Head Coach and you announce a GT-Mercer Football Game with a half-empty stadium. But, who am I to know!?!?!
Thought he had interesting takes.

It was nice he could predict 80% of the plays.
Thought he gave a really good insight on how mercer was trying to stop the TO.
I would have thought so if you were once an NFL Head Coach and you announce a GT-Mercer Football Game with a half-empty stadium. But, who am I to know!?!?!

I was at the game, the stadium was definitely not half empty. It was surprisingly well attended. Hope you enjoyed the game from home, as you talk crap about the stadium being half empty.
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I enjoyed his defensive insight but other than that, it was hands down the worst game call I've ever heard.

"Purr-ihm-ih-ter", "every play on Mercer's playbook goes through the QB in some sort of way", "Well I enjoy the plain hotdogs from the varsity", "the Atlanta Falcons do not play teams like Georgia Tech."
He gave great insight and showed the ability to predict play calls pretty well. Talked about balanced and unbalanced alignments, GT's 3 vs 4 man fronts. Very technical broadcast which we hardly get from even the biggest names on ESPN. In my opinion he seemed like a poor man's Jon Gruden. I could have done without some of his second guessing seeing as though he was an incredibly mediocre coach.
Groh's ability to define the reads and predict the plays came as an 'oh crap' revelation to me. If he can do it, I have no doubt all of our opponents can do it. Everyone jokes around about the 'blueprint' to stopping our offense, but Groh laid it out for everyone. I hope CPJ has wrinkles for defenses that utilize the reads as Groh explained or our punters are going to get a lot better.
What I remember about Al is that he was on the Virginia defense when we killed them in Charlottesville by 40+ points and our first team only played the first quarter.
I thought he did a great job explaining things. I also felt a little uneasy about the fact that he could just explain away our offense that "simply". Then again, if the TO was so easy to stop CPJ wouldn't have had the success he's had at GSU, Navy and now GT. So, meh.