Al Groh!?!?!? Hang it up - puh-lease

I thought he did a great job explaining things. I also felt a little uneasy about the fact that he could just explain away our offense that "simply". Then again, if the TO was so easy to stop CPJ wouldn't have had the success he's had at GSU, Navy and now GT. So, meh.
Hate to admit it but I got this feeling also. He pretty much told what some of our hand signals are on live TV.
Did anyone else think he was ripping on Mercer whenever he got a chance?
Did anyone else think he was ripping on Mercer whenever he got a chance?
he definitely made a point of saying that they had not adjusted to the puh-ri-me-TER game a few times.

I realized Al Groh is basically the same person as Richard Kind.
Hate to admit it but I got this feeling also. He pretty much told what some of our hand signals are on live TV.
My take on this is CPJ likes giving these easy reads to the opposition. In a game like Mercer, he doesn't care cause he's winning anyway. He builds these tendencies waiting for the right time to use them against the opponent.

Obviously it doesn't always work out, as we saw last year. But I think this is CPJ's mindset.
My take on this is CPJ likes giving these easy reads to the opposition. In a game like Mercer, he doesn't care cause he's winning anyway. He builds these tendencies waiting for the right time to use them against the opponent.

Obviously it doesn't always work out, as we saw last year. But I think this is CPJ's mindset.

I can see him being that way, and while it does work sometimes, I see it not working more often. My son's high school runs a version of the Wing T and uses alot of pre-snap motion, same as Tech. A wing is either in motion straight behind the line, or swinging behind the fullback. Opposing teams key on this motion and time the snap. It drives me nuts. I'd like to see us put in the "draw-em offsides" play that Tech uses because we run alot of wishbone too. If we motion both wings back and they don't jump, we can still run a play out of the bone.

I'd also like to see CPJ use that hard count/draw em off play more often on 2nd/3rd down. He used it against Mercer once on 3rd down and it worked. It almost never works anymore on 4th and short. If we use it randomly on 2nd or 3rd and short, I think we'd pick up alot more freebie 1st downs when defenses are trying to pin their ears back.
I can see him being that way, and while it does work sometimes, I see it not working more often. My son's high school runs a version of the Wing T and uses alot of pre-snap motion, same as Tech. A wing is either in motion straight behind the line, or swinging behind the fullback. Opposing teams key on this motion and time the snap. It drives me nuts. I'd like to see us put in the "draw-em offsides" play that Tech uses because we run alot of wishbone too. If we motion both wings back and they don't jump, we can still run a play out of the bone.

I'd also like to see CPJ use that hard count/draw em off play more often on 2nd/3rd down. He used it against Mercer once on 3rd down and it worked. It almost never works anymore on 4th and short. If we use it randomly on 2nd or 3rd and short, I think we'd pick up alot more freebie 1st downs when defenses are trying to pin their ears back.
I agree with much of this. I bet the problem, as CPJ sees it, is that the OL is having a hard enough time concentrating on who they're supposed to block as it is without worrying about jumping offside. It'd be nice if we could do both. It's probably easier for a zone blocking line to do both. Our man blocking schemes certainly have their advantages and disadvantages.
Maybe I'm mistaken, but I feel like the motion isn't that predictable anymore. I feel like earlier on in CPJ's tenure it was easier to time for the D, but to my untrained eye, we play with the timing a lot these days.
Maybe I'm mistaken, but I feel like the motion isn't that predictable anymore. I feel like earlier on in CPJ's tenure it was easier to time for the D, but to my untrained eye, we play with the timing a lot these days.
Right. When the offense gets stifled, it's because defenders are defeating blocks, not timing the snap. We run a variety of plays with A-back motion, it's impossible to tell what it's going to be with any certainty. Just off the top of my head, we have counters, passes, reverse options, b-back handoffs, a-back handoffs...all with the same presnap motion
If we could get some interior blocking it wouldn't matter. We would just give heavy doses of Mills and Marshall. Pound the middle of the defense for 6 yards a pop, breaking a few. A while of that opens up the outside option as defensive players cheat the midline.
Right. When the offense gets stifled, it's because defenders are defeating blocks, not timing the snap. We run a variety of plays with A-back motion, it's impossible to tell what it's going to be with any certainty. Just off the top of my head, we have counters, passes, reverse options, b-back handoffs, a-back handoffs...all with the same presnap motion
Oh, I definitely agree that we are running many different plays with the same motion, it just seems to me that the DL is getting the jump on us by timing the snap with the motion, thus allowing them to more easily defeat blocks/shoot gaps.
Oh, I definitely agree that we are running many different plays with the same motion, it just seems to me that the DL is getting the jump on us by timing the snap with the motion, thus allowing them to more easily defeat blocks/shoot gaps.

That and the fact that every team has learned the Virginia Tech defense against us. It used to be teams would come out in traditional defenses. Two deep safeties, couple of corners....we would gash them. The year we trounced Miami they had two deep all game long. Nowadays, teams pull everyone up to within 6-7 yards of the LOS and play a lot of man coverage. It is a good gamble being we pass so seldom. Teams are playing up with a free safety firing to the play as an extra defender. It is pretty successful. The only way around it is to establish a passing threat.
Something else I've noticed in D's that give us the most trouble is how close to the LOS the D line is. BC was crowding the line all game, as close as they could get. Mercer played 1/2 to almost a yard off the ball it seemed. Look at the difference in DL below. I noticed it all game in both games.

Some teams try to line up off the ball to reduce cut blocks on their DL's, so I hear.

I don't believe we cut block as much as we used to on the lines. Just my observation. Looks like more firing out drive blocking, which I like better anyway. We also seem to be trying more this year to get an OL from the backside of the play downfield a bit faster. Last year was horrible. If we can get the opposite side offensive tackle to the second level making a block on a LB or safety we will hopefully have numerous more big plays this year than last, which was miserable. I seem to have read we worked more on being in that kind of shape on the OL.....with the exception of one player that struggles.
While we do use the same AB motion on a lot of plays, the ball is actually snapped at different times in his motion for different plays. So in the rocket toss, the ball is snapped when the motioning AB is directly behind the BB. In the triple option play, the ball is snapped much earlier... the AB only takes maybe two steps.
Some teams try to line up off the ball to reduce cut blocks on their DL's, so I hear.

I don't believe we cut block as much as we used to on the lines. Just my observation. Looks like more firing out drive blocking, which I like better anyway. We also seem to be trying more this year to get an OL from the backside of the play downfield a bit faster. Last year was horrible. If we can get the opposite side offensive tackle to the second level making a block on a LB or safety we will hopefully have numerous more big plays this year than last, which was miserable. I seem to have read we worked more on being in that kind of shape on the OL.....with the exception of one player that struggles.
You are right re: the lack of cut blocking. I noticed this in the Mercer and BC games. If memory serves I saw cut blocks mostly when our OL was advancing to the LBs.