Another Uniform Thread? Yep

If you thought his was bad... mine must be a... wait for it... SHOCKER!

MOAR PIX PLEASE! :coolugh:

Yours is ugly :(.

Oregon one is hot.

Belly is hot.

southendzone's opinion is irrelevant since he doesn't know the words to the fight song.
Yours is ugly :(.

Oregon one is hot.

Belly is hot.

southendzone's opinion is irrelevant since he doesn't know the words to the fight song.

TIC, or do YOU not know the fight song, or are you hung up on the for?

The ratio crap is lame.
Have you ever seen a girls ass before? Goodness you would think someone would be able to go without a crude picture their avatar. You have a world wide web of dirty pictures, you don't have to share them with us. And before you say anything about my signature, know that it is extremely decent and it relates to the rambling wreck lyrics that I posted. Not an Oregon girls ass or a white dressed slut. It is a little embarrassing to post on this site with that picture up above me. I really wouldn't like for my family to see it over my shoulder or people at a public place.

correct spelling of practice is practice.My bad.

Man, are we talkin bout practice?

Practice? We talkin bout practice?

Not a game, not a game, not a game, but practice?

I'm not shoving that aside like it don't mean anything. I know [spelling] is important, I honestly do, but we're talking about practice man.