any way to chart CPJ's twitter velocity?

Wow! Hadn't been keeping up for a few days. Loving the #THWG in his post about the Joltin' Jackets win over the dwags. Ha!
He said he got introduced to Twitter by his daughter because she said he'd end up liking it.

Guess she's right.
CPJ is a family friend of mine and I can tell you that someone else does many of his tweets.
I fully believe he's tweaking now.


Unlikely that he's the one tweeting.

Paul Johnson ‏@GTPaulJohnson 13 Apr

How about @CBSSports show some golf #masters and stop worrying about the intentions of committe

Doubt that is someone other than CPJ. Just doesn't really line up with what you would expect a PR-done twitter account to have.
CPJ is a drinking buddy of mine, if you heard the stuff that he says after a few too many, you would understand why he's not the one tweeting...