Re: We\'ve converted 1,500+ mini-pack buyers
I take exception of the ISP deal. As far as I can tell, we are not maximizing this media tool as evident as it is hard to find radio stations outside of Atlanta that cover GT sports. Here in Savannah, the station is out of Hinesville, GA. In North GA, my friends in Smyrna, Lawrenceville, Snellville complain constantly of the lack of radio coverage. 790.. limiting at best. I was up in Atlanta for the game this past weekend. As soon as I hit SandySprings, I lost coverage of 790 the Zone and this is an Atlanta station.
Good Public Perception goes a long way in strengthening your profit center. Our public perception from flunkgate, to NCAA crap, to our own AD sticking his foot in his mouth about the realities of GT programs is not good PR. Maybe why 2003 was a turning point, who knows.
The 3 game ticket packages that have converted people to buy season tickets... that's fine and good. I will point to a Chairback fiasco that went uncorreected for 2 1/2 years. Is that maxmizing profits?
You can tell me that we've increased our figures, and I will go back to what I said that GT alumni have always been the most generous especially when there is a cause (like the Building a Competitive Advantage). We've been listed as the most giving alumni base for well over 15 years. Are we maxmizing revenues? We've certainly done a decent job, but to say we're maxmizing it is to say there is no room for improvement, and quite frankly, I see A LOT of room for improvement. It starts with a positive attitude about the potential success of GT athletics programs. Something our own AD dismantled 3 weeks ago.
ACC expansion? Would that have happened without Dave Braine at the helm? Who knows, but I tend to think it would have. To me that was an imminent circumstance. Kind of like Bill Clinton getting credit for a strong economy that Reagan laid the foundation for.
Go look at the Roll Call. It was at an alltime high during 1998-2000. Coincidence? Doubt it.
There is no true way to say we are or are not maxmizing our revenue of donations. I happen to believe we are not as evident by the bad Public Relations and Public Perception we have created over the last 2 years.