Are they coming after Tenuta?

Re: Then how about WAITING.

I'll help you out you idiot; they were all WON BY OUR DEFENSE; NOT BY CCG'S PATHETIC OFFENSE!

[/ QUOTE ]

If you truely believe that CCG's "pathetic offense" had nothing to do with those wins and that Tenuta operates without any input from Gailey, well, you said it best:

This might be the most idiotic post in the history of sports message boards!

[/ QUOTE ]
Re: Then how about WAITING.

Just curious how long you have been keeping up with Tech football? You suddenly know more than everyone else on here. I also see you like to call S/A nicknames and call people idiots. You could get your point across better without that.
Re: Must. Not. Sink. to his. Level.

P.S.--Have you seen a list of the GTAA goals? You really should look at them BEFORE you remark about what they are. Of course, that won't keep you from opining about what they should be...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, actually I have. You could also find out a lot of good information in the GTAA annual report which should be due out in January. Enjoy!!

Please be clear on one thing. I don't get overly emphatic about anything I haven't taken the time to truly understand. I've been very critical of many things the GTAA does because so often they have contradicted their two most important goals of providing support to the student athletes and generating income to the AT fund. For instance: Dave Braine's comments, the Chairbacks, flunkgate, and the latest NCAA screw up. Too often we have implemented a program or failed to manage a process that has gone against the goals of trying to support the SA's as well as generating dollars for the AT fund.

I've just never seen management step on their own dick so many times. That's the bottom line.
Re: Then how about WAITING.

And you think this "gap" was overcome by CCG's "coaching"?

This might be the most idiotic post in the history of sports message boards!

[/ QUOTE ]

What's more ridiculous is that your post is as impartial as a klansmen. If you want to lay blame on the offensive woes, I hear you. But if you want to rob CG of any credit he deserves with a 7-4 team with 2 top 10 wins on the road and one coming off of the worst week in Tech history, then I will go ahead and say you're about as big of an idiot as you claim he is.
Funny. I was going to recommend the Annual Report

TO YOU! I got mine in August; you might want to check your mail...

If this administration is so inept, how does it continue to meet the number one goal on the list:

Provide our student-athletes and coaches with the resources they need for a Top 25 program.

If this administration does so much wrong, why have season ticket sales increased every year? How is the GTAA in the black? How do we have so many new and improved facilities?

There are and have been problems. Only a fool would claim differently, just as ONLY A FOOL would claim that ALL there have been are problems.
Dave is that you?

Just kidding. My biggest question that I have posed is: Are we maximizing revenue?

A look at ticket sales would show an increase. But we have more tickets to sell as well with the new stadium. How many of these ticket sales are going towards Tech fans and how many to opposing teams fans. I would say with the creation of the 3 game ticket packages that the majority of increased sales are because of opposing teams fans.

I will also say that if you look at a report between the years 1998-2001 and look at Alumni Donations to the school during that same period you will see a quite shocking statistic. Both AT giving and Alumni Association giving was at a high point. Is it any coincidence that football was at a 25 year high point taking away the 1990 season?

We're not maxmizing our revenues. I think the GTAA under Braine's leadership has done a world of good. I've stated that in the past as I used to praise Dave Braine during his early and middle tenure. We are 2 years past needing a change in leadership.

Dave got it built. We need someone who can now sell it and maximize profits.

Remember you can point to GT being in the black but GT has ALWAYS been in the black as we have the HIGHEST and have had the HIGHEST percentage of alumni giving of any school in the country.
We\'ve converted 1,500+ mini-pack buyers

into full-season ticket holders the following year. I'd say it's a pretty effective marketing tool.

A-T donations in 2002-03 and 2003-04 were at an all-time high due to the generosity of members giving to the Building a Competitive Advantage campaign (which started in Jan. '01 or '02, I can't remember).

Outsourcing our multi-media rights to ISP has brought significant new revenue--not to mention state-of-the-art video boards and scoreboards--to the program.

ACC expansion, in which Braine had a pivotal role, has increased our share of the ACC revenue pie.

How are we not maximizing our revenues? Short of winning a national championship in football, what could we do to maximize them?
Re: We\'ve converted 1,500+ mini-pack buyers

I take exception of the ISP deal. As far as I can tell, we are not maximizing this media tool as evident as it is hard to find radio stations outside of Atlanta that cover GT sports. Here in Savannah, the station is out of Hinesville, GA. In North GA, my friends in Smyrna, Lawrenceville, Snellville complain constantly of the lack of radio coverage. 790.. limiting at best. I was up in Atlanta for the game this past weekend. As soon as I hit SandySprings, I lost coverage of 790 the Zone and this is an Atlanta station.

Good Public Perception goes a long way in strengthening your profit center. Our public perception from flunkgate, to NCAA crap, to our own AD sticking his foot in his mouth about the realities of GT programs is not good PR. Maybe why 2003 was a turning point, who knows.

The 3 game ticket packages that have converted people to buy season tickets... that's fine and good. I will point to a Chairback fiasco that went uncorreected for 2 1/2 years. Is that maxmizing profits?

You can tell me that we've increased our figures, and I will go back to what I said that GT alumni have always been the most generous especially when there is a cause (like the Building a Competitive Advantage). We've been listed as the most giving alumni base for well over 15 years. Are we maxmizing revenues? We've certainly done a decent job, but to say we're maxmizing it is to say there is no room for improvement, and quite frankly, I see A LOT of room for improvement. It starts with a positive attitude about the potential success of GT athletics programs. Something our own AD dismantled 3 weeks ago.

ACC expansion? Would that have happened without Dave Braine at the helm? Who knows, but I tend to think it would have. To me that was an imminent circumstance. Kind of like Bill Clinton getting credit for a strong economy that Reagan laid the foundation for.

Go look at the Roll Call. It was at an alltime high during 1998-2000. Coincidence? Doubt it.

There is no true way to say we are or are not maxmizing our revenue of donations. I happen to believe we are not as evident by the bad Public Relations and Public Perception we have created over the last 2 years.
I agree that any company should constantly

be trying to maximize revenue. If I gave the impression that I believe GTAA is currently doing so, I'm sorry.

I just didn't understand from the examples you gave how those issues were antithetical to maximizing revenues. The $$$ ISP pays to GTAA is very real and is a significant chunk of change. The GT sports radio network is larger than it's ever been.

The club seats made more $$$ in the past 2.5 years than they will under the new guidelines for the foreseeable future. The change was made with an eye toward better customer relations, but it comes at a hard, real cost.

I hope you're not saying that Dr. Rice had anything to do with laying the foundation for ACC expansion, because it's just not so. Braine, Dave Hart at FSU and, to a lesser extent, Terry Don Phillips at Clemson were the drivers of that bus. Not saying it wouldn't have gone through, but not certain it would have either.

I don't get how it's Braine's issue that Roll Call donations have dropped off. If football had gone from 9 wins/year to 1-2, I might understand your point. Otherwise, I'd probably tie this to the Alumni Association.

Here's what I lay at Braine's feet: Bad hiring to oversee Academic Services, and failure to supervise those hires closely enough. Not demanding that Gailey get rid of Nix. Not hiring a lawyer from the get-go to defend Frank Roper's intransigence and mistakes. Being reactive instead of proactive sometimes.

See how much nicer it is to have a reasonable discussion?!?
please tell me of a time when local kids WEREN\'T.

leaving the state to go play for a Notre Dame or Michigan or Clemson or South Carolina or Florida or Florida State or Alabama or Auburn...

please, .... i dont recall that time
Re: please tell me of a time when local kids WEREN\'T.

Kind of funny that WNE never answers a question isn't it?
Re: I agree that any company should constantly

The problem with ISP and revenue to me is pretty simple, although maybe I'm looking at the whole thing wrong.

If were not utilizing a media tool to reach out to fans and keep them aware or in the least establish that connection with the fans, I see this as potential lost $.

Media keeps people interested, it keeps GT on their minds. If we have poor radio coverage or TV coverage, slowly we may have lost the focus of some fans over time. If these people might be inclined to donate money to the AT fund or even the alumni association, they may very well be less inclined to do so if we are not reaching out to them as far as exposure is concerned.

The ISP deal gives us terrible exposure, and while the deal $ wise might be nice, the exposure it creates to HELP generate dollars is terrible. This is why I think the ISP deal is bad. I don't know if this is ISP's fault, or someone elses, but this has always been my biggest problem with the ISP thing. Its a hard thing to put a quantative measure on it, but its simple marketing to me.