Years ago, I was watching a USCe game on TV - it may have been pre-Holtz. Dark days for that program as far as wins went. They were abysmal. BUT, what struck me was that they were absolutely sold out. I started following them a bit and talked to some friends who were more familiar with the school - turns out that place was always sold out. Even at their worst, the fans showed up.
I've never seen that at Tech on any consistent basis. Hell, even in 2014, for the damn Clemson game, there were empty seats. You can't tell me that we don't have enough fans in the metro area to fill 50,000 seats. It's pathetic and it's largely cultural, in the sense that athletics is just not embraced by the college administration and thus not promoted as a primary part of the experience at Tech.
For as long as I can remember, sports at Tech feel like something going on in the periphery, no matter how successful. 1990-91 was a magical year for Tech sports, and even then, on the campus it felt like just another day. Until that's fixed - and I think it really begins with the school president - I doubt we will ever see sold out games at Tech with any regularity in any sport.