Attendance affects recruiting

I'm gonna go ahead and double down on this. The offense is polarizing to recruits, too. The big name players that have the skill set for the in road to the NFL want to play in a system that will either train them in an NFL style or showcase their talents. That gives you pro-set offense or shotgun spread with a big mix of run/pass option. If you want to peel recruits off the factories you gotta give them something to be excited about.
Outside of Calvin and Thomas, who did we put in the pros at a skill position running a pro set?
Years ago, I was watching a USCe game on TV - it may have been pre-Holtz. Dark days for that program as far as wins went. They were abysmal. BUT, what struck me was that they were absolutely sold out. I started following them a bit and talked to some friends who were more familiar with the school - turns out that place was always sold out. Even at their worst, the fans showed up.

I've never seen that at Tech on any consistent basis. Hell, even in 2014, for the damn Clemson game, there were empty seats. You can't tell me that we don't have enough fans in the metro area to fill 50,000 seats. It's pathetic and it's largely cultural, in the sense that athletics is just not embraced by the college administration and thus not promoted as a primary part of the experience at Tech.

For as long as I can remember, sports at Tech feel like something going on in the periphery, no matter how successful. 1990-91 was a magical year for Tech sports, and even then, on the campus it felt like just another day. Until that's fixed - and I think it really begins with the school president - I doubt we will ever see sold out games at Tech with any regularity in any sport.
Years ago, I was watching a USCe game on TV - it may have been pre-Holtz. Dark days for that program as far as wins went. They were abysmal. BUT, what struck me was that they were absolutely sold out. I started following them a bit and talked to some friends who were more familiar with the school - turns out that place was always sold out. Even at their worst, the fans showed up.

I've never seen that at Tech on any consistent basis. Hell, even in 2014, for the damn Clemson game, there were empty seats. You can't tell me that we don't have enough fans in the metro area to fill 50,000 seats. It's pathetic and it's largely cultural, in the sense that athletics is just not embraced by the college administration and thus not promoted as a primary part of the experience at Tech.

For as long as I can remember, sports at Tech feel like something going on in the periphery, no matter how successful. 1990-91 was a magical year for Tech sports, and even then, on the campus it felt like just another day. Until that's fixed - and I think it really begins with the school president - I doubt we will ever see sold out games at Tech with any regularity in any sport.

South Carolina is a great example. They do have great fans given their lack of any real success.... ever.
I can't be the only one that hears this from just about every non-Tech fan. It goes something like this:

"Tech needs to stop/lose/move on/get rid of that option offense if they ever want to compete/win/be successful."

Hard to get sidewalk fans that way.
Do you guys remember as early as last year how many people came out for all of our games even for Alcon state. The uga game was about half and half. And the only thing that changed from year to year was our record.
CPJ needs to focus more on his football team and less on the stands.

People don't want to dish out cash just to watch his product that gets stifled whenever we play anyone with a pulse.
I can't be the only one that hears this from just about every non-Tech fan. It goes something like this:

"Tech needs to stop/lose/move on/get rid of that option offense if they ever want to compete/win/be successful."

Hard to get sidewalk fans that way.

Stop hanging out with morons. The only people who say that shit to me are the dwag mouth breathers I work with ... though, they've been kind of quiet as of late.
We had crappy attendance the first few games after the 2014 season. Our fans could not be bothered to show up after a orange bowl win over a team that was sitting at number one for a few weeks. Students are not showing up currently and calling each other out on reddit. Gold seats are empty. There is definitely a problem somewhere in the fan base.
Did anyone get an email from the GTAA announcing the 12:30 kickoff for the Ga Southern game? I didn't but I did get one from Georgia Southern AA. To me this type of event, or lack of communication, is somewhat symptomatic of the GTAA. A lack of real concern for the few $$ paying fans that buy the tickets and show up. Inadequate ticket scanners & bag checkers leading to long line entering the stadium.. Accepting Thursday night games despite the fact that Atlanta is a traffic problem in a big city and no one can get anywhere at 6:00 -7:30 on a work day. similar concerns re basketball.
Did anyone get an email from the GTAA announcing the 12:30 kickoff for the Ga Southern game? I didn't but I did get one from Georgia Southern AA. To me this type of event, or lack of communication, is somewhat symptomatic of the GTAA. A lack of real concern for the few $$ paying fans that buy the tickets and show up. Inadequate ticket scanners & bag checkers leading to long line entering the stadium.. Accepting Thursday night games despite the fact that Atlanta is a traffic problem in a big city and no one can get anywhere at 6:00 -7:30 on a work day. similar concerns re basketball.
It was signaled in from the sideline. You didn't break the code yet?
Prior to the 2015 season, season ticket sales rose by about 4,000 to somewhere in the vicinity of 33,500 season tickets. Does anyone know the season ticket total prior to this season?

So at 55,000 seats, using the 2015 season ticket total, season ticket sales account for roughly 60% of capacity, leaving roughly 22,000 tickets available for walk-up sales, less tickets alloted for the visiting team.

So what's the estimate on actual walk-up, or also 3-game packages, ticket sales on a game-to-game bases? 10,000?
Lemme see if I get this: if people would stop missing blocks, we'd win more games. If we'd win more games, attendance would increase. If attendance increases, we get better recruits. If we get better recruits, we'd win more games.

So it sounds to me like the problem starts with missed blocks.

My mother had me under the impression that in the 60's tech was Atlanta's team, I grew up thinking that way. I'm a non alum, Alabama grad, but I've always been a tech fan. My mother taught me the fight song when I was quite young. I think the Falcons coming to Atlanta really hurt attendance at tech games. Atlanta has the most fickle fans of anywhere. I went to braves games as a kid where I was running through an empty stadium, with old drunk, knockahoma. Only way to get butts in seats is win.