Bama hasn't forgot

A few years ago I wanted GT to play Bama; but not so much now. We already play Clemson every year, and FSU and ND often enough, and of course UGA when they are good. This year we will play Clemson, UGA, Tenn, Miami, and probably a SEC team in a bowl game; I don't see a real need to add Bama (or Auburn for that matter) to that.
The order we should play OOC schools, if I had to choose, would be: UGAg, Notre Dame, Auburn, Tennessee....some interesting west coast school like USC or UCLA.

Alabama really doesn't interest me. I'd rather play Auburn if we had to play one or the other. More history with Auburn. The west coast teams would be so I could take a nice trip west. There is NOTHING appealing about going to Tuscalooser
The order we should play OOC schools, if I had to choose, would be: UGAg, Notre Dame, Auburn, Tennessee....some interesting west coast school like USC or UCLA.

Alabama really doesn't interest me. I'd rather play Auburn if we had to play one or the other. More history with Auburn. The west coast teams would be so I could take a nice trip west. There is NOTHING appealing about going to Tuscalooser

For me, the only major OOC games I want to see us play are UGA/ND (already built in), Aub, Bama, Tenn in that order. Hate for bama should run strong amongst all tech men.

For the G5/lower P5 game I'd prefer Vandy, GaSou, Tulane, UCF, App st, USF in that order. Only home games or 2 for 1's with GaSou and AppSt.

Wouldn't mind seeing us play USC or Stanford, but I could care less about going to the west coast for a reg season game. We have enough rivalries within a 4 hour drive to fill out an entire OOC slate every year.
We have a harder path to the playoffs than Bama does at this point. Our in conference slate is more difficult than theirs is. With our out of conference slate being UT, U(sic)GA, UCF, and Jax St8, that washes with them playing FSU and (what are effectively) compass point Louisiana schools. We'd also have to play either Clemson again, FSU or whoever beat those teams in the division. Bama will be playing the SEC E team which is easily the weakest division in BCS football.

Our team would be more battle tested, but the path is much more difficult.
The article is mostly factual, but they can't resist the jab at Dodd by saying he was "sulking back to Atlanta". If the author did the proper research, he would understand the whole truth. Bryant had stated to Dodd and Edwin Harrison that he and his President would support the measure to eliminate oversigning , which did lead to ridiculous "tryout camps". Bryant didn't even show, and that measure was voted down. The fact is, Bryant wasn't half the person Dodd was in many ways, certainly character.

Dodd was never "sulking" about much of anything. He ran a program that people in all walks should emulate: He took players into his program and stuck by them whether they turned out to be the player they thought, or not, he instilled the desire for them to graduate and helped them get into the work world, and most all of his players had success in life (and were a driving force in the growth of Atlanta).

While Bear's players were fearful of him, Dodd's players almost to a man loved and respected him. However, Dodd's players didn't ever want to be on the wrong side of him.

Many of us have crossed paths with all kinds of people who claimed to have "played for the Bear" who were really just washouts from his tryout camps.

Bottom line, absolutely no comparison between the two in quality and character.
Ask Joe Wllie Namath and LeeRoy Jordan about their experience in 1962 on Grant Field. Both said they never took a worse physical whipping (in either their college or pro careers). Bryant respected Dodd's abilities more than any other coach.
Saw every beautiful minute !!!!!!!
A few years ago I wanted GT to play Bama; I do even more now. We already play Clemson every year, and FSU and ND often enough, and of course UGA when they are good. This year we will play Clemson, UGA, Tenn, Miami, and probably a SEC team in the first of our bowl games; I don't see a real need to add Bama (or Auburn for that matter) to that.
fixed from big cry bait to thumbs up bait
The guys who wrote that article totally dismiss the history of our football rivalry with Alabama. We held so much credit in their world that we are still actually mentioned in their fight song. Back in the Dodd days, football was a blood sport and both sides took many casualties over the years. I know one thing, the guys that played those games sure as hell knew they were in a fight and had better buckle their chin straps. I assure you we would not back down from playing Alabama or any body else.

Go Jackets!
The guys who wrote that article totally dismiss the history of our football rivalry with Alabama. We held so much credit in their world that we are still actually mentioned in their fight song. Back in the Dodd days, football was a blood sport and both sides took many casualties over the years. I know one thing, the guys that played those games sure as hell knew they were in a fight and had better buckle their chin straps. I assure you we would not back down from playing Alabama or any body else.

Go Jackets!
You ain't kidding! Guys like Rufus Guthrie, Billy Shaw, Maxie Baughan, Larry Stallings, etc. could bring it with the best of em. A$$ clowns like Paul Finebaum don't know anything about those days
Saban doesn't want to waste time prepping for GT and the outcome would suck for us if we didnt have a josh nesbitt and d thomas type combination.
The guys who wrote that article totally dismiss the history of our football rivalry with Alabama. We held so much credit in their world that we are still actually mentioned in their fight song. Back in the Dodd days, football was a blood sport and both sides took many casualties over the years. I know one thing, the guys that played those games sure as hell knew they were in a fight and had better buckle their chin straps. I assure you we would not back down from playing Alabama or any body else.

Go Jackets!

Before and after the Darwin Holt incident Coach Dodd and Coach Bryant were friends. They talked stocks and all kinds of non football related stuff. Just re-read Dodd's Luck this week and he said Bryant did try at Dodds insistence to get us back in the SEC but the Mississippi schools and the mutts blocked it and would never have voted to let us back in. Bryant spoke very highly of Coach Dodd and respected him despite their different philosophies. In that era you won with Defense and the kicking game and two of the best at that were Coach Dodd and Coach Bryant. At some kind of banquet Coach Dodd said he wished he had as many wins as Bryant and Bryant quipped "I wish I had as much Coca Cola stock as Dodd has".