Bama hasn't forgot

Before and after the Darwin Holt incident Coach Dodd and Coach Bryant were friends. They talked stocks and all kinds of non football related stuff. Just re-read Dodd's Luck this week and he said Bryant did try at Dodds insistence to get us back in the SEC but the Mississippi schools and the mutts blocked it and would never have voted to let us back in. Bryant spoke very highly of Coach Dodd and respected him despite their different philosophies. In that era you won with Defense and the kicking game and two of the best at that were Coach Dodd and Coach Bryant. At some kind of banquet Coach Dodd said he wished he had as many wins as Bryant and Bryant quipped "I wish I had as much Coca Cola stock as Dodd has".
Very good points. Kim King's story about being recruited by Bryant, and he and his family coming to see him at the Georgian Terrace Hotel prior to the 1962 game is priceless.

So they're suggesting that Saban didn't know what an option offense looked like in the early 2000s? Yeah, okay. I buy that Muschamp didn't want any part of it - I sell that Saban needed Muschamp to show him film to decide that he didn't want to play GaSo.
So they're suggesting that Saban didn't know what an option offense looked like in the early 2000s? Yeah, okay. I buy that Muschamp didn't want any part of it - I sell that Saban needed Muschamp to show him film to decide that he didn't want to play GaSo.
Probably just a no win situation for Saban. If Ga Southern ran a more traditional offense, it would be normal prep.