Beeware Poll

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dont censor this board, if you dislike what beeware has posted, ignore it , he will get tired of no responses. go jackets.
Originally posted by beeware:
If y'all ever tired of bashing ole beeware then you might try this thread where GT98, ContactBuzz and myself are trying to get this board back to a little football.

Click here to talk about this week's game

<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Beeware's attempt to extend an olive branch.

In Beeware's world this is probably the equivilent of a "GIANT HUG."

My thoughts are that someone should pretty much be allowed to say whatever they want - unless it becomes detrimental to the board or what the board is trying to accomplish. That is obviously a call for Beestorm and gtfan to make.

Although I think Beeware has almost crossed the line in being detrimental to our football program, my feeling is that he has somewhat mellowed the past few weeks. I have also noticed some post's from him that indicate his love for Tech without the vitriol toward our new coach.

Beeware used to make me mad - now I see him more as the eccentric uncle that embarrasses the family when you let him out of his room.

If this poll had been taken a month or so earlier, I would have been the first to vote him "off the island." As it is, I voted to keep him.
Beeware, you are hereby charged under the new Stingtalk "hate speech" statute for hurting people's feelings with your meanie, meanie stuff you say.

I'm sorry folks, but I can't believe it has come to this. The fact that so many people are that up in arms about Beeware makes this board look worse than any responses Beeware could post. At what point did we become such an effeminized society of wusses, who can't stand to have our feelings hurt. Was it when our mothers picked up a copy of a Dr. Spock book on child care? Used to be, folks would refer to someone like Beeware as an 'old crab' and laugh it off, accepting him for what he is. Or in nobler times, invited him to kindly step outside and back his yack up (if you feel THAT insulted), and settled it once and for all.

Officially, I voted "I DON'T CARE." Really. I don't care about soap operas. I don't care about the National Inquirer. And I don't care whose feelings Beeware is hurting.

I'm grateful that the administrators let me post on this board. Above is my opinion, but it's their board, and it really is their decision. It's funny though how we use the terms 'democracy' and 'freedom' as though they were interchangeable. If you VOTE someone out, not only for his opinions, but for the honest display of his own personality, no matter how abrasive, how are you maintaining freedom???
Beeware is guys are a bunch of whiners. I can't believe that the majority of posts on this board are about one thing...Beeware. What happened to actually posting about football? If I was the board moderator, I would be embarrassed that my board is no longer about GT but about a poster. If you don't like BW's posts, ignore them. You are bringing much more attention to his posts by doing what you're doing.

BTW, free speech rocks! I commend the moderators for not being like the Hive and allowing an open forum to exist. Even if it does involve people like Beeware. It gets so boring if there wasn't an Eminem in each group.
I've been a loyal GT fan for over 55 years. I personally couldn't stand george o'looney. I thought Braine should've replaced him with Ralph Friedgen after Ralph's offense led us to a bowl the first year Friedgen returned to GT. Friedgen provided us with one of the most productive offenses we've ever had at GT and his system(fortunately) was retained and run by O'Brien last year producing again one of the best offenses in the country. If we had only had one great defense to go with that offense during the past five years, we might have won another NC. Last year we scored over forty points against Clemson and still managed to lose because george o'leary couldn't produce a consistent defense.(and afterall, he should have been able to...defense was supposed to be his middle name--wasn't it?)--In any case, my point is ... I think we should be able to criticize our coaches ... and discuss civily differences of opinion. I haven't been on the board long enough to know much about BW ... but as long as someone doesn't take pot shots at our players or the rich tradition of GT, they should be able to voice their opinions of the paid staff of the athletic department--- within reason, of course.
Originally posted by leathertoe:
as long as someone doesn't take pot shots at our players or the rich tradition of GT, they should be able to voice their opinions of the paid staff of the athletic department--- within reason, of course.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">I wholeheartedly agree. The thing is, BW repeatedly takes pot shots at the coaches, the AD, and other fans. Which is the entire reason this has come up.
I'm not going to announce how I voted, but lemme say this: Stingtalk and The Hive are the two prominent Ga Tech fans boards out there and both are reflective on the Institute.

As many of ya'll know, I did not graduate Tech, but was always a big Tech fan, even while going to Ga College. I have given Tech far more support with my wallet than I've given GC and plan to continue to do so.

Nearly ALL of the Tech people I've encountered have been gracious, wonderful people. We may disagree on lots of things, from what should happen on the field/court to what should happen in the wonderful world of politics. But in nearly all my encounters, I've yet to see the kind of nasty, vile, name-calling that Beeware does. On The "new" Hive, RR put in the "Water Cooler" where people can talk politics. And some of the debates have gotten quite spirited. But people do not resort to name-calling. It is not just because RR does not permit it, it is because of common courtesty. This is what Beeware lacks.

I say that Beeware should retain his posting priviledges, provided that he changes his tone. Put him on "double-secret" probation.
Anymore outbursts, then he is gone. Let him form his own Tech website for that matter.

A couple of weeks ago, he and I really got into it and I stooped to his level. I called him a jackass and regretted doing so. Did I apologize? No. I felt he has burned enough bridges with everyone else that it would make little or no difference if I did so. But to everyone else who may have been offended, I do apologize.

The bottom line is this: This is ya'll board and ya'll should/do have the right to select your membership. Just remember that any internet message board can be viewed as reflective of the school it supports.

Just for the were the one doing the were the one that asked to bury the hatchet. All I said was don't bury it in my back. Thanks alot pal.
Originally posted by beeware:
Just for the were the one doing the were the one that asked to bury the hatchet. All I said was don't bury it in my back. Thanks alot pal.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Don't forget to wipe the blood off....


And I did admit to name-calling. But you have resorted to more name-calling than any of us put together. So don't let your high horse throw you off.

Originally posted by bellyseries:
This is pitiful.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">belly,
I have to give you some props. You nailed it.
How about this idea? Beeware gets put on probation and a condition of his probation is that he agrees never to use the words "Buck", "arse", "pissants", "right-wing kooks", "Da Braine" or other reasonably similar facsimiles under threat of immediate

Heck, I imagine he's already got another handle posting self-supportive words in this thread...

Don't get me wrong, I strongly oppose censorship... but I am a big advocate of capital punishment
Originally posted by Technician:
Beeware, you are hereby charged under the new Stingtalk "hate speech" statute for hurting people's feelings with your meanie, meanie stuff you say.

I'm sorry folks, but I can't believe it has come to this. The fact that so many people are that up in arms about Beeware makes this board look worse than any responses Beeware could post.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Technician, aka "The Lunatic", and I are in agreement!

This proves that Beeware is some kind of Messiah!
Have you ever considered changing your name to buckseries out of support and affection for our new coach???
Originally posted by beeware:
Have you ever considered changing your name to buckseries out of support and affection for our new coach???
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Beeware, are you trying to get me kicked off the board too?
Actually, I'm a little surprised that this has flared up. IMO BW hasn't changed at all since I started reading StingTalk, I certainly haven't noticed him being any worse lately. I don't agree with his point of view but what I really dislike is his attitude, his arrogance and the name calling he always exhibits. It also used to drive me crazy that he has NEVER answered a question addressed to him. Any one of us could write his posts for him, there is never anything new. Most of the time he's simply a waste of bandwidth.

I do worry that outsiders looking at the board might believe that he represents a sizeable portion of Tech fans, but I don't think anyone could be that stupid, especially with the responses he always draws. Personnally what I think would be hilarious would be for everyone to totally ignore him, as hard as that is. How about this, instead of banning him we all pledge to never respond to a BW post and to ignore anything he says in any thread? That will just kill him.
This is byteback's wife....

May I put in my pennies worth????
You all are cracking me up laughing reading your posts.... seriously.
How about giving posters ability to boot a user. That would limit the torrid usage of verbage and
probably help in getting further into the conversation. Just a thought.
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