Black Watch - Throwback Unis

Some of ya'll are a trip. Yeah. I am sure our performance would improve by not wearing the cool unis. Everybody gets throwbacks and alternates now. It isn't dependent on your record.
.... they look fire. I would hate to disrespect that unit by rolling the same shit defense out that we've seen the past 2 weeks.
Well, okay, but I see three threads about it and its talked about in other....but that's none of my business. :coffee2:

I see one thread about the uniforms, and one thread about a new message board color scheme. Maybe you need to hit the refresh button?

Definitely not the greateat timing but this was already in the works. You can't shelf it at the last hour.

Yes you can. You can shelf it until we have at least a mediocre defense. This is a dumb idea. They should try wearing a gold helmet, white jersey, and gold pants to be really radical.
Hopefully Coach Geoff is getting these uniforms out of his system and starting next year we can actually wear gold and white. Wouldn’t that be crazy?
Some of ya'll are a trip. Yeah. I am sure our performance would improve by not wearing the cool unis. Everybody gets throwbacks and alternates now. It isn't dependent on your record.

I remember when we had an away uniform and a home uniform. Now the football players spend more time deciding which dress they are going to wear this Saturday than preparing to win the game.
Hopefully Coach Geoff is getting these uniforms out of his system and starting next year we can actually wear gold and white. Wouldn’t that be crazy?

We wanted a contract with a popular apparel vendor, and we got one. This is what that means. Russell couldn’t keep one replica jersey in production, Adidas is currently selling at least 4 (white, blue, gray, black).

I don’t mind the one-offs and throwbacks, but I do wish we had more variation on white and gold themes than navy.

I was young back then but I seem to remember Curry took away all the GT on all helmets until they were earned. Didn't we have a couple of games with just gold helmets because we were playing so bad?
I like that mentality of coaching. god we could use it this week