BOR approves new degree for Tech


What a great recruiting tool. You can be this is at GT as SA
My son was looking for a dance class as an elective... Maybe that'll be an option now :cooldance:

If you're calling him gay, you couldn't be more wrong. He's a football player. Figured it would be a good way to meet girls and don't you know girls love guys who can dance? :wink: Just sayin....
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Why is this in the football forum? Mods plz ban OP. Kthxbi

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I believe that Adam Smith on the basketball team is enrolled in a masters in Music Technology program. or something like that
If you're calling him gay, you couldn't be more wrong. He's a football player. Figured it would be a good way to meet girls and don't you know girls love guys who can dance? :wink: Just sayin....

WreckEm was a football player too.

Just sayin.
Good job, Robot Playing the Xylophone!!

Also, how many majors have we lost in the past 5-10 years? I recall us losing Construction Management or something like it.
They couldn't have waited to do this until after I finished my job search?
Short list for Department Chair - Lil John, Usher, Ludacris, Big Boi and Andre