BOR approves new degree for Tech

Why don't you go öööö yourself?

Along about the middle of sophomore year everybody feels like they did this by selecting Tech in the first place.

It is a universal requirement of all majors, like calculus.
Why don't you go öööö yourself?

Everybody does.

80% of men admit to it.
60% of women admit to it.

This also proves that 20% of men and 40% of women are liars...thus, women are twice as likely to lie as men.
next major added: Sex Technology
making people happy

I haven't seen the curriculum, but I did a lot of work with one of the professors pushing for the degree and it's interesting stuff.

If you guys remember the robot playing the xylophone ad, that came out of his dept.
I haven't seen the curriculum, but I did a lot of work with one of the professors pushing for the degree and it's interesting stuff.

If you guys remember the robot playing the xylophone ad, that came out of his dept.

I remember the girl in the ads who is fire. Architecture major, as well. She must have felt pretty safe amongst all us ööös.
Why is Arch ranked so poorly compared to the rest of the GT Colleges?

ID is typically in the top 10 (grad program is often top 3). I think Architecture grad program moved into the top 20 a year or two ago.

But to answer your question... it is because we spent so much time learning show tunes. When you're a Jet...
I remember the girl in the ads who is fire. Architecture major, as well. She must have felt pretty safe amongst all us ööös.
She is the daughter of a couple of my best friends. Just married a guy with a masters degree from Juliard.
Why is Arch ranked so poorly compared to the rest of the GT Colleges?

I remembered hearing somewhere that our program was experimental and not completely accredited. No idea how accurate that statement is but thats what I remembered hearing about 5 years ago when I was still there.
Why is Arch ranked so poorly compared to the rest of the GT Colleges?

Part of it is that we offer a bachelor of science instead of a bachelor of architecture. I don't exactly know what that means, but all the highly ranked architecture schools offer bachelor of architecture degrees.
I remembered hearing somewhere that our program was experimental and not completely accredited. No idea how accurate that statement is but thats what I remembered hearing about 5 years ago when I was still there.

Completely false. It is accredited by NAAB. you might have been hearing something about the process of being reaccredited, which it has to renew every few years.

As for the architecture program, the undergrad program was in the top 10 when I started in 06. Since the recession (along with the profession doing very poorly) interest in architecture has decreased along with enrollment. I'm certain the funding also reflects this, and the rating reflects all of it. The grad program is still in the top 15/20 and doesn't have enrollment issues as people go back to school for professional degrees.

As for bachelor's (5 year) of arch vs. B.s. in arch, (4 year), not many schools offer the 5 year professional degree anymore. The preferred professional track is 4 years in undergrad with 2 years of grad for the Masters in Architecture.
Why is Arch ranked so poorly compared to the rest of the GT Colleges?

GT decided that building things wasn't what they wanted to focus on.

When I was in undergrad, there were two tracks you could take to learn construction - CM in the CE department, and BC in the Architecture department. Now there's zero. GT has zero presence in construction.
GT decided that building things wasn't what they wanted to focus on.

When I was in undergrad, there were two tracks you could take to learn construction - CM in the CE department, and BC in the Architecture department. Now there's zero. GT has zero presence in construction.

Dang, is that for real? They got rid of CM and BC?