Ok Mstech, you can give it a rest now. You think that we won't accept this metaphorical pill, but maybe it's you who won't accept the fact that this coach needs a chance. I think our season would have been about the same with Oleary last year (minus the academics this may which have now been corrected). Maybe you can't accept that. Gailey is in the process of putting in his system and getting his players in....it is a reality that it takes a new coaching staff a recruiting class or two in order to see what kind of coach you have (good or bad). Look at the recent history. We had dropped to mediocrity when Bill Lewis came in, and stayed mediocre for a couple of years before it turned bad. We started off bad when O'Leary came in and he brought us up....we were headed back to mediocrity in O'Leary's last year and stayed there in Gailey's first. You have to give it more than a year to see if Gailey will be good or bad. No one is arguing with you b/c they don't want to see the truth, they are arguing because they believe gailey will prove to be a good coach and obviously you don't!