Bottom25 Playoff Field is set


Jun 12, 2021
First round
No. 5 Northwestern at No. 12 Louisiana Tech
No. 6 Hawaii at No. 11 Charlotte
No. 7 Nevada at No. 10 FIU
No. 8 Akron at No. 9 Colorado State

First round byes
1. UMass
2. Colorado
3. South Florida
4. New Mexico

Here are the final rankings of the regular season in full. Congratulations to the 25 teams who made it and the 106 who didn't.
It had similar butthurt. If I did I’d have to hand out a crap ton of “I told you so’s”. And then they’d ban me again for not liking the Key hire. Now go butthurt some more.

What, if anything, can the team do with Key at the helm that would make you change your tune. Just wondering when we can all give you a crap ton of I told you so’s.
What, if anything, can the team do with Key at the helm that would make you change your tune. Just wondering when we can all give you a crap ton of I told you so’s.
Win the craptastic Coastal consistently. At least every other year. And beat the mutts once out of every six years.
It had similar butthurt. If I did I’d have to hand out a crap ton of “I told you so’s”. And then they’d ban me again for not liking the Key hire. Now go butthurt some more.
The pleasure of being correct and handing out I told you sos will never equal the pleasure of seeing GT do well. Why does it feel like you are cheering more for the former than the latter?
Win the craptastic Coastal consistently. At least every other year. And beat the mutts once out of every six years.
Coastal is going away but even so, be in the ACCCG every other year is your realistic expectation?

If Key doesn't beat the mutts once every six years then he'll resign, regardless of whether they stay the #1 team in the country. He'll be more embarrassed than any of us on a message board, I know that.