Buster Faulkner

A part of me thinks he would stick around as long as King does just for self interest, but since when has logic trumped money.
That would be my advice to him, especially if the program he's going to doesn't have a guarantee of the coach being there for 3+ years like here does, but a $500k+ raise can be tempting. If he sticks it out for two more years with HK, it's hard to imagine him not getting HC opportunities.
That would be my advice to him, especially if the program he's going to doesn't have a guarantee of the coach being there for 3+ years like here does, but a $500k+ raise can be tempting. If he sticks it out for two more years with HK, it's hard to imagine him not getting HC opportunities.
Well, that part about the HC but also the known quantity at QB. Swap to Arkansas or Miss St or w/e and you're flipping a coin on if you can get a QB that can make you look good or not.
I think he abandoned the run game and misdirection for the pass too much IMO. GT was struggling to protect King especially in the 2nd half in pass protection.
This was my only critique of an otherwise good game by Buster. In the third quarter I was yelling not to abandon the run and to run the ball "right up their 5 star asses". The gaggers near me did not appreciate it.
It would be a stupid move to take that job.
1 more year at GT with good offensive production (which I believe he has the talent to get) and he’ll be in top head coach position conversations. Moving before then risks that.

Same goes for Weinke. They have the chance to make the “worst to first” type claim in just a few years.
1 more year at GT with good offensive production (which I believe he has the talent to get) and he’ll be in top head coach position conversations. Moving before then risks that.

Especially moving to a program that's a dumpster fire with a coach that's on life support.
PAY him whatever it takes to keep him. And Weinke. I suspect like some have said here that having H King here does help.