Cabrera going HAM

Schultz hated the Collins hire and has had it out for GT ever since. Dude only mentions us when we are at our lowest, so he can shovel dirt on us. öööö him
What if none of us want to öööö him?
Key has clearly been reading the complaints on Stingtalk. He has hit just about every one of them. Man I’m hoping he succeeds in at least moving the program in the right direction for the next coach.

Could be that a lot of our problems were apparent even to casual fans.
All of this sounds suspiciously like what you might have to promise a coach looking to build you a program. It probably sounds a lot like something a Deion Sanders might want to see happen :popcorn:
He fixed the problem. Found a new person to manage the organization and is working behind the scenes on getting more resources. Why does he need to stick around and talk to Jeff ööööing Schultz?
This is the most important public event for the GTAA since Collins was hired and likely even more important than that. You're the remaining figurehead after a drastic shakeup. Stay in the room for the full press conference and suck it up.
It would be fun to watch a civil war brew in the Hill.
