Can ESPN Survive?

Vad Lee is all around us. He surrounds us and binds us together.

May Vad Lee be with you. Always.

They have cut a lot of high priced talent the last few years. I think they are treading water, but the future is going to be much different. Good thing we already signed our contract for the near future.
lol Disney is fine. Their Marvel movies are crushing it, and they bought the Star Wars rights for much less than it's worth...probably already in the black on that one.
Just wait until they transgenderize Darth Vader and make Iron Man start using the ladies room.
Another double down on "you're not just different, you're wrong." They just don't get it.
The condescension implicit in everything ESPN's brass said in that interview towards conservatives captures perfectly why I went from being a dedicated nightly SportsCenter viewer to ignoring them altogether.
They have a definite view of human sexuality which they are working as hard as they can to spread. Not something I want to deal with in my
Sports programming.
ESPN produced shows almost all stink. This talking head nonsense is crap. Sportscenter jumped the shark 8 years ago.

That being said, I don't want ESPN to fail. I love the access to live sports programming. I also like 30 for 30. I worry about a fractured sports landscape where I have to subscribe to 7 packages to get my football, soccer, and basketball coverage.
ESPN produced shows almost all stink. This talking head nonsense is crap. Sportscenter jumped the shark 8 years ago.

That being said, I don't want ESPN to fail. I love the access to live sports programming. I also like 30 for 30. I worry about a fractured sports landscape where I have to subscribe to 7 packages to get my football, soccer, and basketball coverage.
I caught some of their bowl selection coverage yesterday and I was astonished by how sloppy and amateurish it was. Their supposed "Bowl Selection Show" was just a live Championship Drive broadcast with that twat Luginbill. They'd interrupt their own discussion of the CFP to jump to talking about the MEAC/SWAC "bowl" game, then right back to the CFP, then spend 60 seconds discussing a minor bowl game without any actual insight, back to the "controversy" surrounding the CFP selection. If nothing else, it reinforced my decision to avoid the WWL's programming.
I caught some of their bowl selection coverage yesterday and I was astonished by how sloppy and amateurish it was. Their supposed "Bowl Selection Show" was just a live Championship Drive broadcast with that twat Luginbill. They'd interrupt their own discussion of the CFP to jump to talking about the MEAC/SWAC "bowl" game, then right back to the CFP, then spend 60 seconds discussing a minor bowl game without any actual insight, back to the "controversy" surrounding the CFP selection. If nothing else, it reinforced my decision to avoid the WWL's programming.
Yep! A wasted three hours. Should have been 15-30 minutes tops. I recorded it and skipped most of the BS, which was 99%.
I caught some of their bowl selection coverage yesterday and I was astonished by how sloppy and amateurish it was. Their supposed "Bowl Selection Show" was just a live Championship Drive broadcast with that twat Luginbill. They'd interrupt their own discussion of the CFP to jump to talking about the MEAC/SWAC "bowl" game, then right back to the CFP, then spend 60 seconds discussing a minor bowl game without any actual insight, back to the "controversy" surrounding the CFP selection. If nothing else, it reinforced my decision to avoid the WWL's programming.
I assume Heather the snail was on. She was terrible covering the ACC, so they promoted her to crappily covering the whole sports. Makes sense ESPN.
On a related topic, I have Playstation Vue and I turned to the NFL network to watch the Thursday night game last night. There was a message stating that Vue did not have an agreement in place to stream that program on the internet. WTF? Why even have the NFL network if that's the case? I hope that policy doesn't spread. You could have ESPN on an online service but have random games blacked out.
The NHL does the same shit. Buy the season pass, but if the game is on "in your regional coverage zone", even if it's on only Comast, they'll black it out. It's bullshit and one of the reasons why I don't bother with center ice anymore.
The NHL does the same öööö. Buy the season pass, but if the game is on "in your regional coverage zone", even if it's on only Comast, they'll black it out. It's bullshit and one of the reasons why I don't bother with center ice anymore.
MLB as well. Makes no sense.
The NHL does the same öööö. Buy the season pass, but if the game is on "in your regional coverage zone", even if it's on only Comast, they'll black it out. It's bullshit and one of the reasons why I don't bother with center ice anymore.

Disney reads stingtalk, realizes they need to look at selling ESPN. Google it if you need a link.

Future conference contracts just got exciting. Which conference locked in the longest?
I cancelled cable a while back and haven't watched ESPN in a while. In my hotel room in Houston turned on the TV to ESPN and saw mostly commercials. Two talking heads talking about the drama between Phil and Lebron which I could give two shits about. Annoying Vitale coverage of the Duke game which I turned from after hearing Diaper Dandy too many times. Did I mention the incredible amount of commercials? The network is absolute crap now.
I'll just leave this here as an example, which was right in the middle of the news "stream" on ESPN's homepage:

Of course ESPN is not pushing an agenda.
The Undefeated is the premier platform for exploring the intersections of race, sports and culture.

I mean, I guess you can complain that they created the Undefeated website at all, but pretty much everything on there will rustle your jimmies if that article did so.
I mean, I guess you can complain that they created the Undefeated website at all, but pretty much everything on there will rustle your jimmies if that article did so.
They can of course create any website they want, but don't mix it in with your sports coverage and then say "our sports coverage has no agenda".