so you see, pieces of information have multiple "tags" which is why filing systems are so difficult to implement in a workable fashion
if you attempt to make drawers to put everything into, then you will find that sometimes there is more than one drawer that it fits into
for example, there is some news about prostitution. this news might go into a general news forum. however, the prostitutes are affiliates of a sports program; a football team, in fact. so, this news is also about a football program and thus is seems to also fit into a Football forum. Especially one with a long-standing tradition of posts not just about football plays or football players but also coaches, former players, ... even cheerleaders.
so get the öööö off your dumb high horse and if you dont want to read a thread, dont ööööing click on it.
youre the one "dicking up" the forum with your asinine diatribe when you could just not read the thread, dumbass
your outrage is not only misplaced, but downright idiotic