Chop Blocks ... You da real MVP


Apr 12, 2010
Tennessee Vols have picked up on the "GT cut blocks OMG" excuse. We are already in their heads. Their excuse for losing to us is ready.

Funny, never hear a peep about cut blocks from Clemson coaches and fans. I guess they just line up and play.
Tennessee Vols have picked up on the "GT cut blocks OMG" excuse. We are already in their heads. Their excuse for losing to us is ready.

Funny, never hear a peep about cut blocks from Clemson coaches and fans. I guess they just line up and play.

Good coaches teach their players to use their hands, shed the blocks and make plays. Bad coaches complain.
SEC fans are pretty stupid.

They didn't lose because of cut blocks or whatever nonsense they think. They lost because they're a trash team that hasn't made a bowl game in half a decade and they play in a trash division and live in the shadow of Alabama's dick.
When will we be sanctioned for all these young men's lives we ruined? Whats the count up to 125-150?

Have you not seen the trophy case of shredded ACL's we keep? The OL runs by and touch them for luck just like Clem Son's does that rock thing. We hide it when the NCAA comes a-callin'.
Someone should photoshop Stoop's face on a Kentucky player getting cut blocked
I just want a pic of his face when he was explaining his temper tantrum to the reporter right before the start of the 3rd. The level of intelligence(sic) was on clear display.

"But what see I just had wanted ... clarification. I jus' had ... I we jus' wanted clarification. He tol' me the man was outta bounds n' see he had tol' me he was inbounds an' I jus' ...."

It be ok, Kentucky fans. Your tournament resume is still strong even though you lost since it was a neutral site game and all.
I don't feel like signing up for rivals to troll them. But good work to those who have and are.
What these fools need to be told is everybody cut blocks. We just do it at the line of scrimmage more frequently.
And they suffer from misplaced aggression. Instead of being angry at their coaching staff for not being able to stop a high school offense with clearly superior SEC athletes, they resort to name calling. Their message board deserves this:

CPJ made him look like a peewee coach. Nah, he made him look like Kirby.
I really enjoyed reading the UK post. We just basically kicked their ass all day. SEC defenses are used to big fat guys belly bumping. They had no answer for getting punched in the balls!

Heh, watch their board will next have a thread STTE: "*gasp* The Jackets were hitting below the belt too!!!"