Chris Hatcher on 790 @ 8:25

I wish the man would get the GT job...I just expect alot of dodged questions & for him to remain loyal to GSU & hyping their school for the recruits that are any good HC would do. t.. I also expect alot of GT fans to call in & say how much we'd like to have him on the Flats....maybe someone can put that on the radio in DRad's office when PJ enters to let him know there is a loyal GT fan base & right they're not "cheering your name" I think DRad & the committee really need to revisit CH as a candidate....Dem get DRad a radio and feed it live into the same room where the committee/interviews happen..
yes they even said Georgia State a couple times just even the radio hosts make mistakes.....Would be a funny lead in "wouldn't you like to coach at GT and not at a school where we can't even get the name right"

It will be interesting to see how hard the hosts push the GT issue with Hatcher & see how he answers the questions....I still think that GT has in some form discussed the HC position with Hatcher.

Even interesting that Hatcher agreed to the interview b/c of the timing of it...especially if he's unwilling to talk about the GT that would be silly....But he's got to sell GSU some how or it's all for PR for his future HC campaign whenever/where ever that may be
Good chance that Hatcher will be in Atlanta today and tomorrow for the HS playoffs at the Dome. There are a number of kids playing this weekend that GSU is recruiting.
Good chance that Hatcher will be in Atlanta today and tomorrow for the HS playoffs at the Dome. There are a number of kids playing this weekend that GSU is recruiting.

Hopefully our AD invites him down the road a little bit for a conversation or two, and maybe a press conference :)
Let us know if he's in studio or on via cell phone... I'd guess via phone but in studio would be nice.

I'm at work now, can't tune in.
Whether it is coach speak or not it will not look good if Hatch comes out and says he has never been contacted by GT.

He is a credible and popular choice that should have been formally interviewed.
Did anybody hear earlier when that caller Mel was on? It was around 8:30. He's a total idiot, but it's always entertaining when he's on, especially when he calls into a show other than the Stews.