Coaches hot seat today

Don't kid yourself.
We can't afford to fire him now but if we have another season around .500 or below, you can guarantee that the seat will get very öööö hot for CPJ.
I agree but, who can we get, pay and keep that is better.
OK. Please provide your phone number for everyone here.
That way, we can call and ask El Geniuso when it's not "dumb" to put a coach on a hot seat.

Did Gary Patterson get put on the hot seat two years ago?
Did Gary Patterson get put on the hot seat two years ago?

You DO realize what "the hot seat" means, right?
It doesn't mean that a firing is imminent.

It means that, if things don't change at a school, they believe that the coach will be fired at some point.
You DO realize what "the hot seat" means, right?
It doesn't mean that a firing is imminent.

It means that, if things don't change at a school, they believe that the coach will be fired at some point.

Still dumb. PJ is a pretty long ways from being fired from GT. We didn't/couldn't even fire CBG last year.
Well that's just dumb...

Understandable. Any coach who breaks an 18 year bowl streak is going to get some heat. The O is CPJ's baby and this year that baby was ugly.

Now, CPJ isn't going anywhere. And he shouldn't. But he absolutely deserves some heat.
Don't kid yourself.
We can't afford to fire him now but if we have another season around .500 or below, you can guarantee that the seat will get very öööö hot for CPJ.

I disagree. We can go 3-9 for at least 2 more years and CPJ's fan club will still say "but...but...but...2014!!".

CPJ will be here as long as he desires.
I disagree. We can go 3-9 for at least 2 more years and CPJ's fan club will still say "but...but...but...2014!!".

CPJ will be here as long as he desires.

Regretfully true (I like CPJ. Regretful only in the position GT athletics is in).
If he has another 3-9 season he'll get fired. The contract MBob did with him last year is actually not too bad. By the end of next year, we'll be able to look at our options.

Also I'll keep CBG for another 5 years if we need the money for the football team.
Is this rating from a real list?

Well, I think we all know he is not in danger of being fired next year (even with same or worse record). With so many OL / DL / DB starters leaving the youth excuse will be put forth. Despite the experience gained this year. 2017 - "we are breaking in a new QB".

But if we beat ugag, vt, and um 4 years in a row we will be at .500 vs them. And I am afraid that is a new standard of excellence that will be put forth. Who knows what will happen with our +1 vs cu, and our current .500 vs fsu. Not to mention unc & puke.

Hot seat - who knows. Hopefully there will be a new generation of fans around to care.

It would just really be kind of a neat idea that whoever is giving these HC's these contracts showed as much concern to the school & program as the individual HC.
Is this rating from a real list?

Well, I think we all know he is not in danger of being fired next year (even with same or worse record). With so many OL / DL / DB starters leaving the youth excuse will be put forth. Despite the experience gained this year. 2017 - "we are breaking in a new QB".

But if we beat ugag, vt, and um 4 years in a row we will be at .500 vs them. And I am afraid that is a new standard of excellence that will be put forth. Who knows what will happen with our +1 vs cu, and our current .500 vs fsu. Not to mention unc & puke.

Hot seat - who knows. Hopefully there will be a new generation of fans around to care.

It would just really be kind of a neat idea that whoever is giving these HC's these contracts showed as much concern to the school & program as the individual HC.

Holy crap! I just saw a unicorn run through my yard!
It would just really be kind of a neat idea that whoever is giving these HC's these contracts showed as much concern to the school & program as the individual HC.
I'm not sure what you're saying here. Are you saying you with the AD's cared as much about the school as the head coach? Or that you wish the AD cared as much about the school & program as they do about who the head coach is? Or something else entirely?
Don't kid yourself.
We can't afford to fire him now but if we have another season around .500 or below, you can guarantee that the seat will get very öööö hot for CPJ.

If we have a .500 season we will have doubled our win total. He'll get a raise and an extension.
He was 3-9 this year and is 35-37 over the last 6 years vs. FBS. Why would he not be on the hot seat?

As I read GT message boards, I wonder: When did we become Wake Forest?