coit's Butthurt Trading Contest

Too harsh? During the Great Butthurt Rally of Middle Tennessee, butthurt increased by at least 800% over the course of four hours.

You’re thinking of this place all wrong.
As if I had the butthurt back in a safe. The butthurt’s not here.
Your butthurt’s in coit’s postcount...that’s right next to yours.
And in corndog's postcount, and TIA’s postcount, and, and a hundred others. Why, you’re lending them the butthurt to post, and then, they’re going to pay it back to you as best they can.
Now what are you going to do? Foreclose on them?
You’re thinking of this place all wrong.
As if I had the butthurt back in a safe. The butthurt’s not here.
Your butthurt’s in coit’s postcount...that’s right next to yours.
And in corndog's postcount, and TIA’s postcount, and, and a hundred others. Why, you’re lending them the butthurt to post, and then, they’re going to pay it back to you as best they can.
Now what are you going to do? Foreclose on them?

I don't buy butthurt directly. Instead, I invest in the means to generate butthurt.
A real life exchange would halt trading before it got that bad.

You're confusing actual butthurt with the price of butthurt.

Think of butthurt as a commodity like corn. MTSU loss was like a bumper crop of corn being harvested. Actual butthurt increased dramatically. The commodities markets can't impact the supply by halting trading - the corn is still out there. As Akinji points out, this should cause the price of butthurt to fall.
@Akinji07 the issue is that ESTABLISHING the value of butthurt in a market would require people actually buying and selling, because that is how the value is set.

it cannot be set by any predictive factors or technical traders would all get rich, and they dont.

there are too many factors, as you say, and so there is no way for a MODEL to SET THE VALUE of Butthurt. IT MUST BE SET BY THE MARKET-EXCHANGE

so, to make it anything other than a fancy prediction model, it needs to be an open DB that people can actually buy/sell shares of butthurt at some price. those sales will ESTABLISH the VALUE of Butthurt
[Old information deleted. See OP for current information]
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I initially thought of creating a currency called butthurt credit or butthurt coin, which would function similar to how you guys think value of butthurt prices should swing. The idea was higher the butthurt, higher the exchange rate for $/BhC.
Here's what I was envisioning the starting portfolios to look like. This is based as of today on the results for all games but UGA.

A few interesting points. A number of folks are at the highest starting value of $121,000. Most cash on hand are the folks that typically voted 0.9 every time, such as @JJacket, with $111,000. Surprisingly, @Diseqc was beaten out for most starting Butthurt by @gtfan1147. He was consistently under the average, but only by a little.

We are currently starting with 52510 shares of Butthurt. Given that a lot of folks won't play, we might need to increase the number of shares allotted.

Coit why are you giving different portfolios to different users? That's retarded. Give everyone the same amount of cash and 0 butthurt to start with.
Coit why are you giving different portfolios to different users? That's retarded. Give everyone the same amount of cash and 0 butthurt to start with.

To reward the folks that voted in the probability polls.

As I said in the OP, we can rate it both by total portfolio value and by percentage increase so that those who didn't vote much can still participate and compete.
To reward the folks that voted in the probability polls.

As I said in the OP, we can rate it both by total portfolio value and by percentage increase so that those who didn't vote much can still participate and compete.

You can't have a contest and have people starting from different positions, or handicaps.
Wow, I can edit the spreadsheet right in the forum post. That will be pretty handy.
Seriously? Those who didn't vote in the polls aren't going to do this either.

That's just you being butthurt about those who didn't give a shit about voting in your polls. Give everyone the same cash and butthurt.