If a 4-5 star wanted to commit early, CPJ or any other coach we have had would make a conditional offer, and then when his academic background check showed he had at least a reasonable chance to survive at a very high ranked Institute with no place to hide, he would make a committable offer. If that's called "waiting", then it's simply reality.
Yes, a lot of players had no interest in us due to having to commit to working very hard in the classroom and due to the unique scheme we ran. Well, we have eliminated the latter, and I have long been an advocate of providing an unusually high level of academic support to recruits that have shown at least a high work ethic in the classroom. If we had not historically included "exceptions" (to OUR standards), we would have the football legacy of RICE, no MNC, and no TIAR. If CGC and TStan can supersize (say 4-6 vs 2-3 per class) the exception approach, AND we demonstrate we can keep em eligible, then the former issue will have been eliminated. Here's to hoping we can pull it off, because otherwise the hype will be crushed by reality.