Congrats to Randy Edsall

Good Question: Mrs TA seems to disappear when things that meet hew viewpoint are questioned such as this one

Im with Wes durham om Jon Tenuta...He is one of the best Def.Coordinators around...He doesnt have the Depth or Experience as far as players go NOW..But once he gets em here..We will be SOLID on D.....
I think Edsall has done a great job at UCONN, when the Tech job comes open again, whether it is 1....10 years down the road, we should keep him on the radar screen. Let's say Gailey coaches 7 years on The Flats and then retires. Who are some of today's good young coaches that will be ready to coach a big time major college program by then?

South Georgia Jacket
I still think going bthe NFL route is THE wave of the future and will be a great option..Look at Pete Carroll at U.S.C. he stepped into a lot of talent over at U.S.C. but he has done a fabulous job and WILL contend for a National Title...Also look at Al Groh at UVA..Another well done job..Guys that coach in the NFL are there for a reason..They are the very best in coaching....
One thing about AL Groh before going to the Pro's he was head coach at Wake Forest and I expect when he came back to UVA from the pro's he knew what it was going to take to be successful at the college level based on what he did not have at Wake
He did do a terrible job as far as winning but I also bet he learned a great deal of what is needed to have a successful program while at Wake by virtue of what he did not have at Wake.