Couch Burners @ Bearcats Game Thread

So after that fumble, we have one person wanting the WVU coach to challenge the challenged play, we have one person saying that ESPN wants Cincy to win as the announcers are hammering the refs, and one person thining the game is in Appalachia. This thread is awesome.
He still had posession and the tip crossed the plane. I didn't think it would be overturned, but it was the right call.
So after that fumble, we have one person wanting the WVU coach to challenge the challenged play, we have one person saying that ESPN wants Cincy to win as the announcers are hammering the refs, and one person thining the game is in Appalachia. This thread is awesome.

The previous post is under further review.
So after that fumble, we have one person wanting the WVU coach to challenge the challenged play, we have one person saying that ESPN wants Cincy to win as the announcers are hammering the refs, and one person thining the game is in Appalachia. This thread is awesome.
Alcohol + Friday night + ESPN hatred = WIN.
He still had posession and the tip crossed the plane. I didn't think it would be overturned, but it was the right call.

Looked like it was probably a TD, but I also thought they just didn't have the evidence to overturn it(still don't.) Guess we were wrong.
I still think they pull this out
CPJ would have made sure that was a fumble. You know, he IS from Appalachia.
Maybe not, but that call is in the category of 1990 fifth down play or the mystery penalty on Rocket Ismail's touchdown in the Orange Bowl. dadgumit.

Nothing will EVER be in the category of the 1990 fifth down play. That one just defies all logic and reason.