I do think this is a big loss. DMo had a rare combination of two important attributes - terrific motivator, compassionate encourager. To have a capable man in his position has surely been an asset to our program, in recruiting, retention and motivation to excellence.
Having a Team Chaplain does seem to contradict the establishment clause in some ways. But, best understood, the establishment clause does not keep religion out of the public sector. It simply prohibits government establishment of religion. A team Chaplain is akin to providing chaplaincy for military or prisoners. The person in the role should be committed to avoiding proselytizing, accept and encourage religious diversity, and make all religious activity voluntary, careful to create an environment where there is no negative stigma for non-participants. Coaches have to make sure this is the case. I have enjoyed a volunteer role with our local high school team and tried to do it fairly and ethically. But, the lines are blurry.