Ding Dong... MBob's gone!

I don't want to make fun of them until I see our new guy. We have the capability of picking someone worse.

I mean, this is like one pile of shit looking at another pile of shit and going "I want to make sure I'm not the bigger pile of shit before I say something." Two organizations have recently hired Mike Bobinski's resume and interview buzzwords in a suit. Both of those places are totally adrift at the top, and Bobinski is the proof. And of the two, Purdue is the more attractive job.


If you can't laugh at this, you'll probably go insane.
Worth listening from the Rumble Seat: ‘H&R Podcast #14: Bobinski Hired as Purdue’s AD, feat. Joey Weaver of ‘From The Rumble Seat’’ on #SoundCloud #np
So Bobinski was set to fire Johnson and extend Gregory? Damn, that's dumb. I thought Johnson's delayed extension was a misfired negotiation ploy.

The only explanation is Gregory was nicer and a more pliable Yes Man than Johnson.
So Bobinski was set to fire Johnson and extend Gregory? Damn, that's dumb. I thought Johnson's delayed extension was a misfired negotiation ploy.

The only explanation is Gregory was nicer and a more pliable Yes Man than Johnson.
Good grief. Gregory was from the Midwest, Johnson was not.

I was not a Bobo attacker but that interview was all about "look at the great Big 10; I'm getting out of the awful Georgia Tech". Wow.
That's true we finally got rid of someone without having to pay them to leave. Georgia Tech is already on its way up.